

2024-02-20 来源:乌哈旅游

编制说明 古镇



对村寨内的民居建筑、公共建筑、道路、公共空间、环境、小品、绿化等的保护、改造、新建提出具体的具有多样选择性的规定和具体方案。 2、在发展中保证村寨文化样式的延续性;



The Guideline of the Design


on the protection and development or

community-based villages I、The Role of the Guideline

1.To guide the physical construction of villages: The guideline will supply multi-choices of physical programme and specific construction principles on the reservation, renovation and newly-build of the villages, including the dwelling houses, public buildings, paths, public areas, landscape and planting etc. 2.To preserve the traditional architecture and its cultural connotation for its future development:

The guideline will put forward specific demands and measures on the protection of physical formation of the village in order to preserve its own unique culture at large in the process of development.

3.To encourage the participation of the inhabitants:

通过导则的引导,鼓励和 支持村民参与设计、建设,保护和发展自己的家园,提高村民的自主发展热情和能力,这是导则所要到达的目的。


1、建筑及环境维护 对保存得较好的传统建筑及环境空间提出具体的指导和非唯一性具体方案。

2、建筑及环境修缮 对局部破坏的建筑和环境提出具体的修缮指导和非唯一性具体方案。 3、建筑及环境重建 对已严重破坏的建筑和环境提出具体的重建指导和非唯一性具体方案。 4、建筑及环境扩建、新建 对需要进行建筑和环境扩建、新建的,提出扩建、

The main objective of guideline is to encourage and motivate the inhabitants to participate in designing and constructing process.


The Guideline

Application of the 1.The maintenance of the architecture and environment The Guideline is to give the specific programmes and multi-choices of recommendations for the maintenance of the well-preserved traditional architecture and the surrounded landscape.

2.The renovation of the architecture and environment The Guideline is to supply the specific programmes and multi-choices of recommendations for the renovation of the buildings and surrounded environment which are partly damaged. 3.The rebuilding of the architecture and environment The Guideline is to supply the specific prgrammes and multi-choices of recommendations for the rebuilding of the architecture and surrounded environment which are seriously damaged.

4.The extension and newly building of the architecture and environment

The Guideline is to supply the







2、导则适用范围说明 村寨物质文化(传统建筑、道路、环境)的保护、改造及新建。 3、导则使用方法说明 导则由专业单位编制完成,由村民自建或政府组织建设。在施工过程中,由设计人员指导,并和当地民间工匠协商共同完

specific programmes and multi-choices of recommendations for the necessary extension and newly building of the architecture

and surrounded environment.

III、The Components of the

Guideline A:Instructions

1. Legislation effect

The guideline will be effective

when it is approved through the legal procedure. All the physical constructions must be completed in accordance with the Guideline. 2. Scope of Application The guideline is applicable in the protection, renovation and extension of the physical buildings on traditional architecture, pathways, landscape and environment in the village

.3. Implementation Guide

The guideline is drawn up by the design institution. The government will organize its implementation and invest part of the needed fund, and the local inhabitants will accomplish the construction by consulting with the designers and folk architects.


4、地域传统村寨形象及人文 特征说明

寻找村寨自身的传统风貌和人文特征,进行论述、整 理和文字记录以便日后有据可查。


1、 村寨区域分布位置 1)黄平旧州


2、 村寨文化遗产价值描述

4. The interpretation of local traditional village image and cultural connotation

The record and interpretation of local traditional village image and its unique cultural connotation will be conducted for the convenience of future study.

B: Guide Manual


旧州古镇还有“金盆、银碗、玉带、圣水”的美誉。舞阳河畔的万亩大坝是旧州人民休养生息的“金盆”,舞阳河绕旧州古镇而过,蜿蜒穿过崇山峻岭,流向施秉,形成九曲十八弯的河道,居高处鸟瞰恰似一条“玉带”。 2)隆里:隆里古城始建于1386年,是一座具有典型特

征的军事城池,历经600多年历史,保存完好。 古城全城周长1500米,南北217米,东西222米,面积48000平方米。

“城墙高一丈二尺,底部厚一丈二尺,上部收顶一丈,城壕深一丈,城周三里三分(约1500m)”,总体近似一长方形,设东南西北四道城门,古城门上都立有戍楼,架设炮台。城外挖有城壕,架有吊桥,最外层是护城河,河上架石桥,叫护城桥。 城楼、炮台、吊桥、城壕、护城河“五位一体”成为隆里军事城堡最显著的特征,在国内城池建造历史上罕见。



3、 建筑保护与设计导则 组成:

1)、典型民居描述 示例:天龙屯堡(Tian Long)

3. The Design principle for architecture protection and cultural display

The contents include:

1)Description of typical dwellings For example: Tian Long Village of Tunpu (old Han) People

2)、典型民居示范设计导则 示例:天龙屯堡(Tian Long)

旧州(Jiu Zhou)

3)、民居通用保护设计导则 示例:屯堡村寨民居保护通用导则

2)The design principle for the protection of typical dwellings For Example: Tian Long Village of Tunpu (old Han) People

旧州(Jiu Zhou)

3) General guide for the protection of the dwellings
