美国文学简史 常耀信第3版配套练习题库
第一部分 考研真题精选 一、填空题 二、选择题 三、名词解释 四、作品分析题 五、问答题 第二部分 章节题库
第1章 殖民地时期的美国
第2章 爱德华兹·富兰克林·克里夫古尔 第3章 美国浪漫主义·欧文·库柏 第4章 新英格兰超验主义·爱默生·梭罗 第5章 霍桑·麦尔维尔 第6章 惠特曼·狄金森 第7章 埃德加·爱伦·坡
第8章 现实主义时期·豪威尔·詹姆斯 第9章 地方色彩小说·马克·吐温
第10章 美国自然主义·克兰·诺里斯·德莱赛·罗宾森 第11章 20世纪20年代·意象派·庞德 第12章 艾略特·史蒂文斯·威廉斯
第13章 弗罗斯特·桑德堡·卡明斯·哈特·克兰·穆尔 第14章 菲茨杰拉德·海明威
第15章 南方文艺复兴·威廉姆·福克纳 第16章 安德森·斯坦·刘易斯·凯瑟·沃尔夫 第17章 20世纪30年代·多斯·帕索斯·斯坦贝克 第18章 波特·韦尔蒂·麦卡勒斯·韦斯特·新批评 第19章 美国戏剧
第20章 二战后诗歌·20世纪40年代的诗人 第21章 自白派·垮掉的一代
第22章 纽约派诗人·沉思型诗歌·黑山派诗人 第23章 二战后美国小说(1) 第24章 二战后美国小说(2) 第25章 多种族文学(1) 第26章 多种族文学(2)
1. As an American poet of nature, _______ (1874—1963) had obvious affinities with romantic writers, notably Wordsworth and Emerson. He saw nature as a storehouse of analogy and symbol, but he had little faith in religious dogma or speculative thought. [暨南大学2017研]
【答案】Robert Frost查看答案
2. A very influential novel in the 1960s America is Salinger’s _____ which relates the painful story of a high-school boy growing up in the world of decadent New York. [北科大2011研]
【答案】The Catcher in the Rye查看答案
3. In 1620, led by William Bradford, a group of Pilgrims arrived in present-day Massachusetts on a ship called ______. [暨南大学2013研]
号”前往北美。此次航行的主要领袖是威廉·布拉德福德(William Bradford)和威廉·布鲁斯特(William Brewster)。
4. James Fenimore Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nation. Yet the image he created of the American Indians has been a distorted one. In his “Leatherstocking Tales,” the good Indians are almost always those who stand on the side of the British against the _____. [北科大2007研]
美争夺殖民地,其间两军受到持不同意见的印第安人的协助的故事。 5. Melville is best known as the author of _____which is one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. One of the major themes in Melville is _____, which can be best shown in Ahab. [北科大2008研]
【答案】Moby Dick; alienation查看答案
6. As a reaction against Calvinism, transcendentalism in the 19th century stressed the importance of the individual. T
ranscendentalists like ______ and Thoreau were telling people to depend upon themselves for spiritual perfection. [北科大2009研]
【答案】Ralph Waldo Emerson查看答案
范畴的思想”。代表人物包括爱默生、梭罗、阿尔科特及富勒等人。 7. Famous for such poems as The Raven, _____ remained the most controversial literary figure in the 19th American romantics. [北科大2011研]
【答案】Edgar Allan Poe查看答案
间里仍是美国文学史上最具争议性、被误解最深的文学家。而现在坡被认为是一位伟大的小说家、一流的诗人和具有敏锐洞察力的评论家。 8. American Romanticism exhibited from the very outset distinct features of its own: the American national experience of “pioneering” into _____ proved to be a rich fund of material for its writers to draw upon. [北科大2011研]
【答案】the west查看答案
9. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is a story about a woman named __________ living in seventeenth- centur
y Boston, then a puritan settlement. [暨南大学2011研;暨南大学2017研]
【答案】Hester Prynne查看答案
10. ______ was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation in the American literary history. [暨南大学2014研]
【答案】Washington Irving查看答案
11. Led by Hawthorne, Emerson and ________, there arose a kind of teachings of transcendentalism in the early nineteenth century. [暨南大学2015研]
12. In the period between the end of Civil War in 1865 and the dawn of the 20th century, modem America was bor
n and grew into a nation of great size, power and wealth. This was called the “_____”, an age in which American business was gilded. The traditional morals and ideals had been replaced by the worship of money. [北科大2006研]
【答案】Gilded Age查看答案
13. As a literary movement realism came in the latter half of the 19th century as a reaction against “the lie” of romanticism and _____. It expressed the concern for the world of experience, of the commonplace, and for the familiar and the low. [北科大2007研]
【答案】paved the way to Modernism查看答案
14. Whitman was a daring experimentalist. Ezra Pound, in his “A Pact,” recognizes Whitman’s contribution to American poetry by saying that he has “broke the new wood.”
One of the major principles of Whitman’s poetics is _____ or a rhythm of thought in which the line is the rhythmical unit, as in the poetry of the Bible. [北科大2007研]
【答案】free verse查看答案