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英美文学 - 填空题(记忆版)

2020-08-12 来源:乌哈旅游

II Fill in the blank

1. Beowulf was written in 8th century.

The existing manuscript of the poem is dated 10th century.

The poem tell a story of a 6th century hero.

2. Robin hood is a ballad .

3. Geoffrey Chaucer is the first famous poet.

4. The essence of Renaissance is humanism .

The rebirth or revival of classical learning: Greek and Roman learning.

It saw the beauty of human form and learned about the importance of

human life and human value . Man began to live for his own sake more than for God and for the next world .

5. Thomas More’s representative work: Utopia (《乌托邦》)

It offers the best ideal social system possible that could be offered at the time and it consists of 2 books with emphasis on Book II .

6. Edmund Spenser’s master piece: The Faerie Queen (《仙后》)

Style: epic poem

7. Thomas Wyatt introduced the sonnet to the country.

8. Christopher Marlow is the preeminent figure among University Wits.

He is the greatest playwright before Shakespeare.

His representative work: Tamburlaine the Great (《帖木儿大帝》)

9. Ben Johnson is probably the first poet laureate (桂冠诗人).

His death mourned as the end of the era (the Elizabethan Age).

10. Glorious Revolution is the end of feudal rule of an absolute monarch.

11. John Bunyan’s religion is Puritanism .

His representative work: The Pilgrim’s Progress (《天路历程》)

Style: Allegory

12. John Dryden is famous for his contribution to literature criticism .

His representative work: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy (《论戏剧诗歌》).

13. Thomas Gray’s masterpiece is Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard


It started the tradition of graveyard poetry in English and American literature.

14. Richard Brinsley Sheridan is famous for his play .

His The School for Scandal (《造谣学校》) and The Rivals (《情敌》) was listed as the most important plays in the 18th century. The School for Scandal made him famous and rich, and ultimately entitled him to a place in

Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey (威斯敏斯特教堂).

15. Oliver Goldsmith was a literary genius.

He wrote in three genres including poetry, play and novel .

16. The 18th century is a century, when Neoclassicism occupies the dominant place

in Britain Literature.

17. The two most representative writers of Neoclassicism are Alexander Pope

and Samuel Johnson .

18. With William Blake and Robert Burn coming forth eventually on the scene, the

stage was well set for a new generation of poets, the Romanticists.

19. William Blake’s major work are Songs of Innocence (《天真之歌》)

and Songs of Experience (《经验之歌》) .

Generally, Songs of Innocence reveals a pair of innocent eyes, those of a child, while

Songs of Experience reveals that of an adult.

20. Robert Burns’ major work: Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地久天长》)

21. Alexander Pope is famous for use of heroic couplet .

He cuts off feelings and emotion out of poetry.

22. Samuel Johnson is the writer of A dictionary of the English Language.

23. Daniel Defoe’s major work: The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (《鲁滨逊漂流记》) which is a work of middle class

24. Henry Fielding Called as Father of English fiction.

His representative novels: Tom Jones (《汤姆琼斯》)

and the Foundling (《弃儿》)

He is the first writer to define novel as a prose epic (散文史诗);

Novel should be a representation of real life.

Novel as a moral inculcation, a mirror and an immitation of nature and life.

Truthful in representing the reality of human nature .

25. “The child is father of the man” is oxymoron .

26. Wordsworth and Coleridge are the most representative writers of


William Wordsworth published the famous Lyrical Ballad,(《抒情歌谣》)a volume verse.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge is not only a great poet, but also a philosopher and a critic.

His representative work: Kubla Khan (《忽必烈汗》)

27. Emerson’s American Scholar played a very important part in the intellectual

(知识分子) history of the nation.

28. Transcendentalists recognized nature as the “highest power of the soul”

29. Mark Twain Wrote most of his literary works with a vernacular language.


The first autobiography in American literature is written by Benjamin Franklin.
