【中图分类号】 R954 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1671-8054(2019)02-0012-02【摘 要】 目的:分析门诊西药房的药品储存要求情况,为了更好地提高药品的质量,要制定具有针对性的管理对策。方法:
【关键词】 门诊西药房 药品储存 管理
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对药品质量提出了更多的要求和标准,不仅要保证药品的生产质量,还要对药品进行合理、正确的储藏和管理。药品是为了控制和治疗人类疾病所研究出的一种物质,而药品的说明书在药品质量管理中占据主导地位,标注着药品如何贮藏[1]。药品一旦在理化性质上出现变化,就会发生变质和失效的现象,导致药物失去了本身的作用,甚至还会在服用之后发生不良反应,威胁患者的生命安全。所以要采取有效的方法对药品进行管理,从而提高药品贮藏的管理质量,保证药品在效期内可以不发生性质改变,保证患者的生命安全。本文对1125种药品的储存与管理方式进行了深入的研究。1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 通过采用门诊西药房药物分类电子表对药品的放置位置进行查找,将每种药品的使用说明书抽出,并对说明书中药品储藏的条件进行详细的记录。例如:温度、光线、密封等。记录完成之后经过统计,共有1125种药品,其中中成药共250种,西药700种,生物制品共175 种。1.2 方法 根据《中国药典》(2010 年版)中药品贮藏规定,并结合《关于印发<化学药品和生物制品说明书规范细则>的通知》《中华人民共和国药品管理法》等相关规定,使用Excel软件对我院门诊西药房各种药品说明书中贮藏信息进行统计,按照标准及非标准贮藏术语表述,以及贮藏具体温度进行标注,并就统计内容进行分析,制定出具有针对性的管理方法。
1.3 观察指标 观察药品说明书中标准贮藏表述情况,以及药品说明书非标准贮藏表述情况。1.4 统计学分析 选择SPSS 21.0统计学软件处理数据,对计数资料用(%)表示,采用χ2检验,P<
作者单位:德兴市人民医院 江西上饶 334200 2018-12-25收稿,2019-01-16修回
2 结 果
2.1 药品说明书中标准贮藏表述情况 在药品说明书中贮藏项可以有效保障药品的质量,药品储藏光线有要求的有450种,对温度有要求500种,对密封有要求510种,其具体情况见表1。表1 药品说明书中标准贮藏表述情况 例(%)
2.2 药品说明书非标准贮藏表述情况 在所有
表2 药品说明书非标准贮藏表述情况 例(%)
未标注表述不当190(76.0)15(6.00)12(4.80)0(0.0)75(30.00)2(0.80)西药(n=700)未标注表述不当250(35.71)75(10.71)170(24.29)2(0.02)320(47.71)28(4.00)3 讨 论
安徽卫生职业技术学院学报 2019年18卷第2期
[1] 任贞.脑动脉瘤介入栓塞术治疗的围手术护理干预[J].中国现代药物应用,2016,10(19):269~270.[2] 樊欣,崔媛.医院门诊西药房药品储存现状调查及改进措施[J].中国药业,2015(10):80~82.
[3] 马莉.医院门诊西药房药品储存现状及改进措施[J].中国药物经济学,2016,11(5):25~27.
[4] 闫德峰.门诊西药房配方发药差错原因与预防措施分析[J].临床合理用药杂志,2016(33):181~183.[5] 钟润娴,单钰齐,朱结桃,等.门诊西药房的药品储存与管理分析[J].北方药学,2015(9):134~135.
The People's Hospital of Dexing city, Shangrao 334200, Jiangxi
HUANG Mu-sheng
Abstract:Objective: To analyze the drug storage situation in outpatient pharmacies, in order to improve the quality of drugs and improve the maintenance of drugs, it is necessary to formulate targeted management strategies. Methods: Statistics on the storage information in the instructions for use of all medicines in the outpatient pharmacy of our hospital. There are 1125 medicines, and 1125 medicines are classified and counted. They are divided into Chinese medicine, western medicine, biological products storage temperature, light, and sealed expression. Situation. Results: There are 450 kinds of light requirements, 500 kinds of temperature requirements, and 510 kinds of sealing requirements. Among the expressions of sealing standards, the proportion of finished medicines is the highest, the standard of light indicates the most Chinese and Western medicines, and the temperature of biological products is the highest (P<0.05).Conclusion: Chinese patent medicines, western medicines and biological products in outpatient pharmacies have different requirements for storage conditions such as light, temperature and sealing. It is necessary to give certain specific measures to the storage temperature to ensure safe medication for patients.
/(编审:刘文华 施仲赋)Key Words: Outpatient pharmacy; Drug storage; Management
Analysis of drug storage and management in outpatient western pharmacy
The No.2 People's Hospital Of Hefei, Hefei 230011,Anhui
ZHU Ming-xing1, WANG Yong-lian, TANG Zhi-ru2, et al
Abstract:Objective:Through analysising the situation of the scientific research projects of the city level and above in the top ten hospitals of Anhui Province in 2008-2016,put forward effective suggestions for the sustainable development of hospital scientific research. Methods: Access to paper records, statisticsing the number, the level of the project manager qualifications, using EXCEL software for statistical analysis. Results: There were 124 scientific research projects of the city level and above hospital , including 3 national projects; scientific research project is mainly undertaken by medical staff aged 36-55 years old; the top ten departments focus on key discipline departments in provinces and cities. Conclusion: The number of state-level projects in the hospital is small, the number of scientific research projects is growing slowly, aiming at the above problems, the author suggests that the hospital regularly carry out scientific training, and continue to increase the construction of scientific research platform; to strengthen cooperation with higher levels hospital; introduction of multidisciplinary scientific research personnel; multiple channels of the primary and young medical staff strengthen training, give full play to the radiation driving role of the departments of key disciplines.
/(编审:汪卓赟 施仲赋)Key Words:Hospital; Scientific research management; Scientific research project
Analysis of Scientific Research projects in a Municipal third Class A Hospital in
Anhui Province from 2008 to 2016