

2022-04-29 来源:乌哈旅游
Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA)

1: Employment freely chosen 就业自由选择1. Work is not voluntary, for example, unpaid

overtime,bonded, forced or trafficked 工作不是自愿的,例如,没有支付加班费,债务,强迫或贩卖

2. Workers who refuse overtime are penalised, for

example,threats of dismissal, pay cuts,demotion etc. 工人们拒绝加班受会到惩罚,例如,被解雇的威胁,降薪,降职等。3. Any involuntary prison labour 任何非自愿劳役

4. retention by employer or employment agent of originalidentification papers and/or passports unless required by law雇主或就业代理扣留雇员原身份证件或护照的,除非法律要求5. Workers are not allowed to leave the facility when shiftsend 当员工想转换时是不允许离开工厂

6. Workers are not able to resign from the factory 工人们不能够从工厂辞职

7. Workers paying deposits when commence employment 当雇员开始工作时需要支付押金

8. unreasonable delays in payments due to workers whenthey leave 当工人离开时由于付款不合理受到延误

9. unreasonable notice requirements or financial penalties.不合理的要求或者罚款。

10. Monetary deposits, for example, for work tools,PPE,training. 货币押金,例如,工作工具,劳保用品,培训。11. Excessive monetary deposits for accommodation. 过多的住房押金。

12. Complete absence of toilet and rest breaks 完全没有洗手间以及休息的时间

13. Workers monitored when they go to toilets. 当工人们去厕所时受到监视。

14. No policy on prison labour 没有监狱劳动的政策15. No free employment policy 没有免费的就业政策16. Extended probation period 延长试用期


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2: Freedom of association 结社自由1. Workers who wish to form or join a trade union or workercommittee but are prevented by management from doing so- and there is a breach of national law 由于管理人员阻碍工人们谁愿意组建或加入工会或职工代表大会,这样的行为违反国家法律

2.Workers who wish to join union or worker committee butare unable to do so - and there is no breach of national lawi.e. minority of workers want to join 工人谁愿意加入工会或职工大会却无法这么做,并没有违反国家法律,即少数工人想加入3. There is no formal structure for worker representation. 工人代表没有正式的架构。

4. Failure to have works councils/worker participation incommittees or equivalent where a legal requirement 没有工作委员会/工人参与委员会或等效的法律要求

5. Penalising or discriminating workers or workers reps in anyway for seeking to join, joining,being members of, taking partin

activities of or seeking to establish or be represented by atrade

union or worker committee 惩罚或歧视工人或工人代表在任何寻求加入,加入,参加,参加活动或寻求建立或自由贸易代表工会6. Consistent refusal of facilities for trade union activities. 工会活动设施一致被拒绝。

7. Employer interferes with union decision making or theelection or appointment of workers representatives 雇主干涉工会决策或选举或任命的工人代表

8. Employer obstructing recruitment activities or denyingunions 用人单位招聘活动或否认阻挠工会

9. Evidence of a critical communication breakdown betweenworkers and employers which may lead to serious conflict orabuse 一种重要的通信故障的证据可能会使工人和雇主之间导致严重的冲突或滥用

10. Workers reps are not democratically elected 工人代表都不是民主选举

11. Lack of regular elections for workers reps where there is alegal requirement 工人代表缺乏定期选举的法律要求

12. unequal representation of management to workers 管理人员不平等对待工人们

13. Workers representatives not given time off to meet andaddress issues 工人代表没有足够的时间去认识和解决的问题

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14. Collective agreements fail to comply with local law 集体协议未能遵守当地的法律

15. Collective agreements not in writing or not available toworkforce 没有书面的集体协议或不可用的劳动力

16. Company does not comply with collective agreement 公司不遵守集体协议

17. Workers forced to talk to managers about sensitive issues管理层被迫工人谈论敏感问题

18. No policy on Freedom of Association and right toCollective Bargaining 没有结社自由和集体谈判的政策

19. Inadequate facilities for union activities 工会活动设施不足20. Workers do not know who their reps are 工人不知道谁是他们的代表

21. No training for worker representatives 没有培训工人代表22. No action taken on issues raised during meetings 在会议期间提出的问题没有采取行动

23. No records kept from management/worker meeting 没有记录管理层/员工的会议内容

24. Lack of documentary evidence of bargaining 谈判的书面证据不足

25. Lack of effective worker/management engagement 缺乏有效的员工/管理层的参与


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3: Health and safety 健康与安全

3.1: FIrE SAFETY 消防安全

1. Locked or no fire exits 锁定或没有消防出口2. Insufficient fire exits 消防出口不足3. No fire exit signage 没有消防出口的指示牌

4. Fire escape doors poorly marked and/or maintained 消防逃生门不足或维护

5.Missing fire assembly points 缺少火灾集合点

6. Blocked aisles/exits preventing us 过道被堵住/出口被阻碍使用7. No fire fighting equipment on site 现场没有消防设备8. Fire fighting equipment inaccessible, insufficient, unusableof wrong type or no training on its use 消防设备不足,无法访问,无法使用错误类型或没有哦培训其使用方法


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9. Fire extinguishers out of date 灭火器过期

10. Fire extinguishers installed at the incorrect height 安装灭火器的高度是错误的

11. No fire alarm 没有消防警铃

12. Lack of distinctive fire alarm 没有区分消防警铃13. No evacuation procedures, drills or training 没有疏散程序,演习或训练

14. No records of fire evacuation drills 没有火灾疏散演习记录15. Incomplete records of fire evacuation drills 消防疏散演习记录不完整

16. No, or no adequate, functioning emergency lighting 没有或没有足够的功能的应急灯

17. Poor maintenance emergency light 缺乏维护应急灯18. Failure to comply with requirements for electrical safetyinspections 未能遵守电气安全检查的要求

19. Electrical wiring not adequately encased or secured 电线不能充分包裹或保护

20. No or inadequately maintained equipment or proceduresto prevent explosions 没有或不适当维修设备或程序以防止爆炸


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3: Health and safety 健康与安全

3.2: BuILdINGS 建筑

1. Premises are not structurally safe 房屋结构不安全

2. Premises require repairs that affect personal safety 房屋需要维修影响人身安全

3. Inadequate lighting in hazardous areas 在危险区域的照明不足4. Generally inadequate lighting in some areas 在一些地区,一般照明不足

5. Heating and ventilation and Air Conditioning – Systematicfailures in maintenance programme 采暖、通风和空调-系统故障的维修计划

6. Heating and ventilation and AirConditioning - Isolated

failures in maintenance programme 采暖、通风和空调-在独立的故障维修计划

7. The facility lacks the permits and certificates required 设施缺乏许可和证书要求


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3: Health and safety 健康与安全


1. No Health and Safety Management Systems in place 没有适当的健康和安全管理系统

2. Systematic failures in health and safety systems 在健康和安全系统故障

3. No health and safety certificates 没有健康安全证书4. Health and safety certificates expired 健康和安全证书过期


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3: Health and safety 健康与安全

3.4: CHEMICALS 化学品

1. No or dangerous storage/disposal facilities for hazardouschemicals 没有或危险的化学危险品贮存、处置设施2. Storage of hazardous materials in accommodationpremises 住宿场所存储危险材料

3. Inadequate storage facilities,disposal, labelling,

training,containment or spill kits for hazardous chemicals orlapses in their use 仓储设施不足,处理,标签,培训,在使用危险化学品或过失泄露工具

4. Inadequate provisions for safe handling of hazardous

chemicals or lapses in their application 在使用危险化学品或失误的安全处理的规定不足

5. MSdS not available MSDS不可用


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3: Health and safety 健康与安全


1. Accommodation not structurally safe 住宿的结构上不安全



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2. Production area and dormitory area together 生产区和宿舍区在一起

3. Personal living space does not meet legal and industrialminimum 个人的生活空间不符合法律和工业最小值

4. Each individual does not have own sleeping mat/bed 每个人没有自己的凉席/床

5. Personal living space and/or sleeping areas are notseparated by gender 个人的生活空间和/或没有按性别分开6. Living conditions are unsanitary 不卫生的生活条件7. unsafe appliances 不安全的设备

8. No secure personal storage for personal effects 没有安全的个人存储空间

9. Inadequate laundry facilities 洗衣房设施不足10. Poor housekeeping 缺乏家政

11. Inadequate secure storage for personal effects 个人物品不充分的安全存储


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3: Health and safety 健康与安全

3.6: WOrkEr HEALTH 工人健康

1. Clean drinking water not available 没有干净的饮用水2. Clean drinking water not easily accessible 干净的饮用水不易接近的

3. No testing of water for potability 没有对饮用水进行测试4. Some lapses in records of water testing 水测试记录的一些问题

5. Factory equipment inappropriately used, maintained ordesigned that could lead to loss of limb or life 工厂设备使用不当,维护或设计,可能会导致肢体或生命损失

6. Factory equipment inappropriately used, maintained ordesigned that could cause serious injury 工厂设备维护或设计使用不当,会造成严重的伤害


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7. Lack of regular maintenance by appropriately trained

personnel of machines which are a potential danger to life orhealth 由受过适当训练的人员缺乏定期维修机器,这对生命或健康的潜在危险

8. Workstations and work areasare untidy creating a risk ofserious injury 工作站和工作区域不整洁会引起一系列严重的损伤风险

9. Workstations and work areas are untidy creating a risk ofmoderate injury 工作站和工作区域不整洁会引起一系列中度的损伤风险

10. Slippery surfaces creating injury risk 光滑的表面造成损伤的风险

11. Suitable PPE not issued to workers or not worn in

hazardous environments 在有危险的环境中,没有发放合适的个人防护用品给工人们或不佩戴

12. Suitable PPE not always issued, for example, insufficienthearing protectors in areas where noise exceeds

recommended 合适的个人防护用品不是经常发放,例如,在噪声超过建议的区域没有足够的听力保护装置

13. Suitable PPE issued but not consistently worn ormaintained 合适的个人防护用品发放不磨损或保持一致14. No health and safety training for workers in hazardousareas 在危险区域工作的工人们没有做健康和安全的培训15. Inadequate health and safety training for workers in

hazardous areas 在危险区域工作的工人们在健康和安全的培训是不足的

16. Systematic failures to provide health and safety trainingfor workers 关于系统故障的健康和安全培训提供给工人17. Isolated failures to provide health and safety training forworkers 关于隔离故障的健康和安全培训提供给工人

18. Lack of appropriate equipment or training for safe

handling of loads which constitute a serious risk 缺乏适当的设备或安全操作培训是一个严重的风险

19. Lack of eye or needle guards on sewing machines or beltguards on machines 在缝纫机器上缺乏挡针板或皮带保护罩20. No wash facilities in hazardous environments includingeye wash facility where appropriate. 在危险的工作环境下没有清洗设施,如洗眼器

21. Inadequate toilet and washing facilities and/or facilitiesnot

separated by gender 厕所和洗衣设施不足和/或设施没有按性别分开的22. Injuries/accidents are not recorded 工伤/事故没有记录

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23. No appropriate medical examinations of workers inhazardous environments (for example, for hearing loss

because of noise) 在危险环境的工人没有适当的职业病检查(例如,由于噪声造成听力损失)

24. Isolated failures to carry out medical examinations 缺乏单独的职业病检查

25. No medical room was provided 没有提供医疗室26. No trained first aid personnel 没有受过训练的急救人员27. Insufficiently trained first aid personnel/workers do notknow who they are 不够训练有素的急救人员/工人不知道他们是谁28. Inadequate health and safety provision and proceduresfor pregnant workers 对于怀孕的工人的健康和安全规定和程序不足29. No Health and Safety representatives and/or Committee没有健康安全代表和/或委员会

30. No first aid kits available 没有急救药箱

31. Inadequate numbers or maintenance of first aid kits 急救箱数量不足或缺乏维护

32. Inadequate provision for hygienic food storage andpreparation 卫生的食品存储和准备供应不足

33. No noise assessment has taken place 没有对噪音地方进行评估

34. Worker transport where provided is unsafe or inadequate工人运输通道不安全或不适当的

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4: Child labour 童工1. under 15 years 15岁以下

2. under country’s legal minimum age but >15 在国家的法定最低年龄但> 15

3. Systematic cases of evidence of individual’s age andidentity being unavailable, incomplete, false, or not kept onpersonnel file 对个体的年龄和身份证系统的情况下不可用,不完整的,错误的,或不在人事档案

4. Isolated cases of evidence of individual’s age and identitybeing unavailable, incomplete, false, or not kept on personnelfile 对个体的年龄和身份证单独的的情况下不可用,不完整的,错误的,或不在人事档案

5. Company accepts photocopy Ids from workers withoutchecking originals 公司接受来自工人没有检查原件复印件ID6. Child on site but not working 孩子在现场但没有工作


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7. Young persons hours of work contrary to local law 未成年工工作时间违反当地法律

8. Young persons engaged in night work 未成年工从事夜间工9. Young persons engaged in hazardous work 未成年工从事危险工作

*could be critical in some cases 在某些情况下可能是重要的10. Young workers not registered or recorded per legal

requirements with local labour bureau or equivalent 每个未成年的工人没有按法律要求与当地劳动局登记或记录或等效

11. No risk assessments for young workers 没有为未成年的工人进行风险评估

12. No health examination for young workers 没有为未成年的工人进行身体健康检查

13. No recruitment policy for young workers 没有为未成年的工人制定招聘政策

14. No remediation policy in place for child workers 没有为童工制定补救政策

15. Contracts for young workers not signed by parent orlegal

guardian (see Employment is Freely Chosen re generalissues on contracts) 未成年的工人的父母或法定监护人不签订合同(见就业是自由选择的是一般问题的合同)16. No policy on child labour 没有童工政策


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5: Wages and benefits 工资和福利1. Employees work without payment 员工工作没有报酬2. Employees pay or piece rate earnings below any applicablelegal minimum wage or agreed national industry benchmark员工工资或计件工资收入低于任何适用的法定最低工资或国家同行业标准

3. O/T premiums not paid at , according to law or not paidforhlidkd加班费没有支付根据法律或假期工作没有工资4. Wages and hours could not be verified due to inconsistentor incomplete records 由于不一致的工资和工时无法验证或不完整的记录

5. Evidence of deliberate falsification of wage and hoursrecords(double books) 有证据显示蓄意伪造的工资和工时记录(两套帐)

6. No payroll or time records 没有工资或时间记录



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7. Wages not paid on time 不按时支付工资

8. Legally required allowances, bonuses or benefits are notpaid

or not paid correctly 法律要求的津贴,奖金和福利未缴纳或者未正确支付9. Legally required social security payments are not paidcorrectly 法定社会保险缴费支付不正确10. No paid annual leave 没有带薪年休假

11. Factory is using home working, other factories, or otherlocations as a way of avoiding paying overtime premiums 工厂使用的是家庭作坊,其他的工厂,或其他地点,以避免付加班费12. unreasonable deductions from wages 不合理的扣款从工资中扣除

13. Isolated inconsistencies between payroll records, payslipsand other records (poor record keeping) 孤立的不一致之间的工资记录,工资单和其他记录(不良记录)

14. Pay slips not provided with each payment in locallanguage 工资单没有用当地语言列出付款项

15. Workers have not been given information, or understandhow wages are calculated 工人没有得到信息,或理解如何计算工资

16. Failure to pay meals allowance 未能支付餐费津贴


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These issues may be downgraded to major significance if a site is able to produce correct records. refusal orinability to show correct time and payroll records will result in critical significance. 这些问题可能降级的主要意义如果一个网站能够产生正确的记录。拒绝或无法显示正确的时间和工资记录将导致在关键的意义。

6: Working hours 工作时间1. unreasonable hours i.e. total working hours are in excess of72 hours per week 不合理的时间即总的工作时间是每周超过72小时的2. Total working hours are in between 60-72 hours or abovethe legal limit whichever is lower 总的工作时间是在60-72小时以上两者之间的法律限制

3. Overtime hours regularly exceed 12 hours per work or locallaw, whichever is the lower 加班时间经常超过每工作12小时或当地法律,以较低者为准

4. Standard hours regularly exceed 48 or local law, whicheveris the lower 标准时间经常超过48或当地的法律,以较低者为准7. regular/Systemic 7-day working 定期/系统的7天的工作8. Occasional/Isolated 7 days/week working 偶尔/隔离/星期工作7天


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9. Wages and hours could not be verified due to inconsistentor incomplete records 由于不一致的工资和工时无法验证或不完整的记录

10. Evidence of deliberate falsification of wage and hoursrecords (double books) 有证据显示蓄意伪造的工资和工时记录(两套帐)

11. Isolated inconsistencies between payroll records, payslipsand other records (poor record keeping) 孤立的不一致之间的工资记录,工资单和其他记录(不良记录)

12. Working without correct legal breaks 工作没有法定的休息13. Pregnant, younger or female workers working illegalhours or without prior approval from local labour bodies 怀孕的,年轻或女职工使工作违法工时,或者未经从本地劳动机构批准的时间14. No clear policy on overtime working and/or policy hasnot been communicated to or understood by workers 加班工作和/或没有明确的政策没有工人得到通知或理解的

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These issues may be downgraded to major significance if a site is able to produce correct records. refusal orinability to show correct time and payroll records will result in critical significance. 这些问题可能降级的主要意义如果一个网站能够产生正确的记录。拒绝或无法显示正确的时间和工资记录将导致在关键的意义。

7: discrimination 歧视1. Sexual abuse or harassment 性虐待或性骚扰2. dismissal of Pregnant workers 怀孕的工人被解雇

3. Pregnancy testing of employees/potential recruits 员工怀孕测试/有可能的新员工

4. Evidence of discrimination in hiring, compensation, accessto training, promotion, termination or retirement based onrace, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender,marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or

political affiliation 在招聘时歧视,薪酬的证据,培训机会,晋升,终止或基于种族,国籍,宗教退休种姓,残疾,性别,年龄,婚姻状况,性取向,工会会员或政治背景

5. Not meeting legal requirements on working conditions forpregnant, post partum or lactating women 目前的工作条件不符合法律要求,怀孕的,产后或哺乳期妇女

6. Women returning from maternity leave not given

equivalent position and pay 妇女从产假返回不相等的的岗位和薪水7. Suspicion of discrimination – no proof 歧视–没有证据的怀



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8. Lack of transparency/lack of policies on employmentpractices 缺乏透明度/在就业的做法缺乏政策9. No policy on discrimination 没有歧视的政策


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Any findings of harassment or abuse must be dealt with immediately, but any policy changes, or

implementation of anti – discrimination training may require longer. A period of 30 -60 days is allowed forproof of change and implementation of new policies. However all critical discrimination issues must cease

immediately. 任何结果的骚扰或虐待必须立即处理,但任何政策的变化,或实施反–歧视培训需要更长的时间。一期30~60天不得改变和新政策实施的证明。然而所有关键的歧视问题必须立即停止。

8: regular employment 正规就业1. Complete absence of contracts 没有劳动合同

2. Agency does not meet national requirements as a labourprovider 作为一个劳动提供者代理不符合国家要求3. Isolated absence of contracts 劳动合同不充足

4. Copies of terms and conditions not provided to workers不向员工提供副本的条款和条件

5. Workers are required to sign blank papers, resignationletters etc. 工人们要求签署的空白纸,辞职信等。

6. Absence of clear, understandable written terms and

conditions of employment which comply with local law andare signed by workers 工人所签署的雇佣条款和就业条件缺乏清晰的,可理解的和遵守当地的法律条件

7. Facility imposing additional terms or requirements on

worker after employment contract signed 签订聘用合同后,工厂对工人征收附加条件或要求

8. Probation periods exceeds legally allowed period 试用期超过法律规定的时间

9. Subcontractor failing to meet labour standards 分包商未能满足劳动标准

10. Workers are fired and rehired to avoid paying same termsand benefits as for permanent workers 工人被解雇,作为永久的工人避免支付相同的工作条件和福利

11. Workers are consistently employed on temporarycontracts 工人们坚持采用临时合同

12. Agency workers not receiving full legal and social securityentitlements 机构的工作人员没有得到充分的法律保障的权利


30 days30 days30 days30 daysImmediate

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Major30 daysdesktop

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60 days30 days

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90 days30 days

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13. unreasonable payment of fee to agent by the worker inown home or host country 工人支付不合理的代理费用在自己家里或东道国

14. Agencies are charging workers fees which exceed relevantlegal limits 机构收取的费用限制工人超过相关法律

15. Workers are not receiving employment contract in homecountry and/or having additional contract when in country ofwork 在国家工作,工人没有国家和/或有附加的合同接受劳动合同16. Contract not accurate or up to date 合同不准确或最新的

Major60 daysFollow up

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90 days30 days

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9: discipline 处罚1. Any physical punishment or sexual harassment of workers任何体罚或工人性骚扰

2. Supervisors or managers taking bribes including sexualfavours 主管或经理受贿包括色相3. Extreme verbal abuse 极端的言语辱骂

4. Shouting or swearing at or other forms of verbal abuse ofworkers 喊叫、咒骂或其他人员的口头辱骂形式

5. unreasonable personal body searches 不合理的个人身体检6. No formal disciplinary or grievance procedure 没有正式的纪律和申诉程序

7. rules and disciplinary action not transparent and/ordocumented 规则和纪律处分不透明和/或记录

8. Inadequate disciplinary/grievance procedure 缺乏纪律/申诉程序

9. Managers and supervisors do not follow the disciplinaryprocedure 经理和主管不遵守纪律处分程序

10. Failure to discipline supervisors/ managers or fellow

workers who abuse workers 没有纪律主管/经理或同事滥用工人11. disciplinary and grievance procedures not communicatedto/not understood by workers 纪律和申诉程序不通知/不理解的工人

12. unreasonable policy and practice of fining workers forbreaking rules 不合理的政策与实践细化职工违反规章制度13. Workers fined an unreasonable amount for lateness 工人罚款不合理,例如迟到


ImmediateImmediateImmediateImmediateImmediateImmediate30 days30 days30 days30 days

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Minor30 daysFollow up


30 days30 days

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All forms of abuse must cease immediately, but a period of 30 days is allowed for implementing a policy

against abuse 各种形式的滥用,必须立即停止,但30天内允许实施的政策反对滥用
