

2022-07-15 来源:乌哈旅游

  You may not know this, but I was on the sailing team all four years.

  It wasn’t easy. Back then, the closest marina was a three-hour drive away. For practice, most of the time we had to wait for a heavy rainstorm to flood the football field. And tying knots is hard! Who knew?

  Yet somehow, against all odds, we managed to beat Stanford every time. We must have gotten lucky with the wind.

  Kidding aside, I know the real reason I’m here, and I don’t take it lightly.

  Stanford and Silicon Valley’s roots are woven together. We’re part of the same ecosystem. It was true when Steve stood on this stage 14 years ago, it’s true today, and, presumably, it’ll be true for a while longer still.

  The past few decades have lifted us together. But today, we gather at a moment that demands some reflection.

  Fueled by caffeine and code, optimism and idealism, conviction and creativity, generations of Stanford graduates (and dropouts) have used technology to remake our society.

  But I think you would agree that, lately, the results haven’t been neat or straightforward.
