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承德英语导游词 篇3


  Hello everyone! I'm Xiao Zhang, the tour guide of the summer resort. TodayI'll take you to the summer resort.

  Summer resort is a world-famous summer resort and the summer palace of theQing emperor. It's not far from Beijing. It's only 230 kilometers. In the hotsummer, the emperor brought his ministers here for summer. It is composed ofimperial palaces, royal gardens and magnificent temples. There are 72 scenicspots in it, with more than 100 buildings including halls, halls, buildings,pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, monasteries,etc. Its biggest characteristic is that there is a garden in the mountain and amountain in the garden. It is listed on the world heritage list.

  Entering from Dehui gate, rows of temples and halls are displayed. Enteringthe hall, there are magnificent pillars inlaid with gold, gold-plated censersand cigarettes. Out of the hall, facing is a piece of green water, it is thesea, can't see the end. The water surface of Jinghu Lake is clean and clear,like a mirror. The surface of the lake is vast, with no wind and three feet ofwaves. The big waves are pushed ashore, which is frightening The mountain is nothigh, but it is beautiful; the water is not deep, but it is clear. Along thezigzag path, the more westward you go, the rarer the tourists are, but thenumber of temples has not decreased at all, and the scenery is still beautiful.You can clearly see Bangchui mountain in luozhao, the scenic spot of hammerpeak. It's wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. It's really like a hammer.Maybe it's the erosion of this big stone by the wind and rain all the yearround. At Wanglu Pavilion, a lovely deer is walking leisurely in the garden andlooking at you with curious eyes In the summer resort, beautiful scenery, trees,into, it is like into the natural oxygen bar.

  There are also eight outer temples around the summer resort, which arebuilt to let the leaders of all ethnic groups play here and buy people's hearts.I hope they will never rebel. Waiba temple is a symbol of national unity.

  If you want to enjoy more beautiful sceneries, please accompany me!
