


1. 准时抵达: punctuality is highly valued in Chinese culture. It is important to arrive on time or, if unable to do so, to inform the host in advance by phone call or message.
2. 携带礼物: it is customary to bring a gift when visiting someone's home for a meal, such as fruit, pastries, or wine. This is a gesture of respect and gratitude towards the host.
3. 礼貌待人: during the meal, it is crucial to show respect to the host and other guests. Avoid loud conversations, interfering with others' belongings, or wandering around unnecessarily.
4. 注意饮食礼仪: when dining, use the appropriate tableware, refrain from making loud noises, avoid showing dislikes for certain foods, and refrain from talking while eating. If there is a dish you do not prefer, express your concern politely rather than refusing it directly.
5. 适量饮酒: if alcohol is served, it is permissible to accept a drink, but moderation is key. Do not pressure others to drink and avoid becoming intoxicated.
6. 尊重主人安排: the host will determine seating arrangements and the order of dishes. As a guest, it is polite to accept these arrangements without making unnecessary changes.
7. 主动帮忙: after the meal, offer to assist with clearing the table and washing dishes. This demonstrates gratitude and respect for the host's hospitality.
8. 表达感谢: upon leaving, express your appreciation to the host. A follow-up message or phone call after the visit is also a nice way to再次表达感谢.