


1. Telephone Conversation
Walter wants to call his girlfriend Erika to share some news with her. However, her father answers the phone.
V: Yes, here Schreiber...
W: Hello, this is Walter Lang.
V: Ah, Walter, it's good to hear from you again. So, what's going on?
W: Oh, you know, the approaching graduation has us swamped with studying and work.
V: Yes, of course, naturally. But you want to speak to Erika, right?
W: Yes, is Erika there?
W: I'm sorry, but she's not. She's playing tennis every Wednesday.
V: Oh, that's a shame.
W: Would you like me to give her a message or would you prefer to speak to her personally?
V: I just wanted to ask her something.
W: Mm, mm.
V: It's about this Saturday, we've been invited to a friend's birthday party.
W: Ah, I see.
V: And I was just wondering if Erika could come along with me.
W: Ah, yes, that's something. You know, we were planning to go to the seaside on Saturday. My wife has been there for a week now, for her health.
V: Oh, I see?
W: Yes, I wasn't aware of it. Erika had mentioned that her mother was planning to go in the fall.
W: Well, it turned out to be more practical, better this way.
V: Ah, I see.
W: So, what should we do then?
V: Could I call again tonight, if she's there?
W: Yes, sure, but she might not be able to go to the party on Saturday... You know, we'll be late coming home that night. Call tonight and discuss it with her personally.
V: Na, ja, maybe around nine would be better; she'll be back home by then.
W: Yes, nine o'clock it is. I'll call you back at nine. Thank you, Mr. Schreiber, goodbye.
V: Yes, goodbye.