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2022圣诞晚会结束语 篇11

2024-07-17 来源:乌哈旅游

  A 今天,是节日的喜悦和欢乐让我们相聚在一起

  B 今天,是热情的盛会与有枪让我们相逢在一起

  C today,we’re gathering together for the delighted and happy time

  D today, we’re getting together for the friendship and in celebration of our fervent grand meeting

  A 难忘今宵,无论天涯与海角

  B 告别今宵,无论故友与新朋

  C it’s hard to forget the memorable time no matter where we are

  D let’s say goodbye to tonight no matter whether we are intimate friends or acquiesces.

  A 让我们用歌声和祝福迎接圣诞的钟声

  B 让我们为明天的平安与幸福虔诚祈祷 祝愿

  C let’s welcome Christmas bell by beautiful songs and blessings

  D let’s pray for good health and wish for a glorious future

  A 让我们共同祝愿亲爱的老师们和同学们在新的一年平安 快乐 万事如意

  B 祝愿我们外国语学院和西法大的明天更加辉煌

  C we wish you, my dear teachers and friends, well and happy, good luck in everything

  D let’s wish our department and school a better future.

  C at the same time, thank you very much for joining our Christmas party and spending a cheerful night with us

  A 与此同时感谢所有的来宾与朋友们残疾我们今天的圣诞晚会,与我们度过这个祥和快乐的夜晚

  D it’s the end of our party

  合 朋友们,再会
