

2022-12-05 来源:乌哈旅游

wave的意思是:n.波浪;波纹;波;v.挥动;飘动。wave的例句是用作名词(n.)The boat was smashed by a huge wave.小船被一个巨浪掀翻胃。wave【近义词】breaker。


  1. one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)
  2. a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon;

    "a wave of settlers"
    "troops advancing in waves"

  3. (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
  4. something that rises rapidly;

    "a wave of emotion swept over him"
    "there was a sudden wave of buying before the market closed"
    "a wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right"

  5. the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
  6. a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
  7. an undulating curve
  8. a persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures);

    "a heat wave"

  9. a member of the women's reserve of the United States Navy; originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch
  1. signal with the hands or nod;

    "She waved to her friends"
    "He waved his hand hospitably"

  2. move or swing back and forth;

    "She waved her gun"

  3. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion;

    "The curtains undulated"
    "the waves rolled towards the beach"

  4. twist or roll into coils or ringlets;

    "curl my hair, please"

  5. set waves in;

    "she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"


1. 挥手:● 向队伍说话(Team Say) 让玩家可以输入些文字,只能让同队的队友看到. ● 挥手(Wave) 玩家可以用这个键来对其他玩家挥手. ● 下一个武器(Next Weapon) 换下一个可以使用的武器. ● 前一个武器(Previous Weapon) 换前一个可以使用的武器.

2. 浪:其中,<>(Lesbian Bedtime Story)、<>(Rain)和<>(Wave)等三本书,都曾经获得诚品成书单周销售排行榜前三名,也都曾经获得同志书店晶晶书库销售排行榜第一名.

3.wave:wav; 一种声音格式

4.wave:wide area voice exchange; 广域语音交换


The boat was smashed by a huge wave.


She has a natural wave in her hair.


A compression wave in decelerating flow steepens.


This wave of excess density is sound.


Bill waved his hand to us and then drove away.


The flag waved in the wind.


All around me I saw tall trees waving in the wind.



用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)


  • White crests of..waves which swung rather than broke against the shore.

    出自:V. Brittain
  • Great waves that raced in from the Atlantic.

    出自:N. Calder
  • She waved her hands in the air to dry the lacquer.

    出自:G. Vidal
  • She waved her stick in greeting.

    出自:R. Fuller
  • Where the corn waves its yellow ears.



wave, breaker, ripple, roller
  • 这四个词都有“波浪”的意思,其区别是:
  • wave指任何波浪,尤指海浪; ripple指细流、涟漪; roller指大浪或起伏的巨浪; breaker指大浪冲岸后的浪花。试比较下面的句子:
  • The little boat vanished beneath the waves.
  • 小船被海浪吞没。
  • There is scarcely a ripple on the lake.
  • 湖面上风平浪静,涟漪不兴。
  • Huge rollers broke on the beach.
  • 巨浪冲上沙滩。
  • His favorite sport is riding the breakers in.
  • 他最喜欢的运动是冲浪。
  • wave, surge
  • 这两个词的共同意思是“波浪”。其区别是:
  • surge指一个大波浪的汹涌奔流; wave则指波浪、海浪或数排波浪、海浪。例如:
  • The sea was rolling in immense surges.海上波浪汹涌澎湃。
  • Waves surge waves.后浪推前浪。
  • v.(动词)
    wave, brandish, flourish, swing, thrash
  • 这组词都可表示“挥动”。其区别是:
  • swing指有规律地前后、上下摆动,也指不停地转动; brandish强调挥舞某物以示威胁、恐吓; flourish指为了表示炫耀、喜悦或虚张声势而挥动手中的武器、棍棒等物; thrash指猛烈摆动,有时带有响声; wave指没有规律、节奏地波动或拍动。
  • 下面两个句子的意思相同:
  • She waved good-bye to them.
  • She waved them to good-bye.
  • 她向他们挥手告别。
  • 下面两个句子的意思不同:
  • Bill waved at me.
  • 比尔向我挥手示意。
  • Bill waved to me.
  • 比尔向我挥手致意。
  • wave,ripple,surge
  • 这些名词均有“波浪、浪、波涛”之意。
  • wave普通用词,指水面上移动的任何具有峰谷皱形的波动,尤指距离相等的波浪,也比喻任何类似的物体。
  • ripple多指微风吹过水面或石头投入水中所激起的涟漪或细浪。
  • surge词义较模糊,泛指巨浪、波涛或作比喻使用。
  • wave的相关近义词



    wavelengthWattswaveswaveywavedWaveXWavelaWavellwavesonwaveoffwave atwave to

