

2022-12-04 来源:乌哈旅游



  1. 标准,水平,水准
  2. 级别,等级,层次
  3. 水平线,水平面,平面
  4. 高度,地位
  5. 水准测量
  6. 水平仪,水准仪
  7. 平地
  8. 水平状态
  9. 程度
  10. 水位
  11. 【物】能级
  1. 冷静的
  2. 平稳的
  3. 平坦的,水平的,平的
  4. 同高度的
  5. 均匀的,平均分布的
  6. (程度、水准、级别)相同的,同水平的,同程度的
  7. 【电】等位的
  8. 【音】平调的
  9. 平直的
  10. 保持一定水平的,恒定的
  11. 诚实的
  12. 公平的
  13. 并进的
  1. 对准,用(武器)瞄准
  2. 使平坦,夷平,弄平,(使)平整,推平
  3. 使成水平,使成平面
  4. 使同等, 使划一,使平等
  5. 拉平
  6. 废除
  7. 用水平仪测量高度
  8. 推倒,毁坏,摧毁
  9. 击倒
  10. 坦率诚实地对待, 坦率相待
  11. 把...对准
  12. 使相似
  13. 创造人人机会均等的局面
  14. 谴责
  1. 水平地,平坦地
  2. 一直
  3. 同样高
  4. 势均力敌地
  5. 平衡地


  1. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality;

    "a moderate grade of intelligence"
    "a high level of care is required"
    "it is all a matter of degree"

  2. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group;

    "lumber of the highest grade"

  3. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process;

    "a remarkable degree of frankness"
    "at what stage are the social sciences?"

  4. height above ground;

    "the water reached ankle level"
    "the pictures were at the same level"

  5. indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
  6. a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line;

    "park the car on the level"

  7. an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;

    "a good actor communicates on several levels"
    "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"
    "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"

  8. a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale;

    "what level is the office on?"

  1. having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another;

    "a flat desk"
    "acres of level farmland"
    "a plane surface"
    "skirts sewn with fine flat seams"

  2. not showing abrupt variations;

    "spoke in a level voice"
    "she gave him a level look"

  3. being on a precise horizontal plane;

    "a billiard table must be level"

  4. oriented at right angles to the plumb;

    "the picture is level"

  5. of the score in a contest;

    "the score is tied"

  1. aim at;

    "level criticism or charges at somebody"

  2. tear down so as to make flat with the ground;

    "The building was levelled"

  3. make level or straight;

    "level the ground"

  4. direct into a position for use;

    "point a gun"
    "He charged his weapon at me"

  5. talk frankly with; lay it on the line;

    "I have to level with you"

  6. become level or even;

    "The ground levelled off"


1. 层次:按惯例,用户自定链用小写以示区别(待会我们会在后面的 在整链上运作(Operations on an Entire Chain) 那里解释如何去建立新的用户自定连)后接一个层次(level)号码或名称.


Levels of unemployment vary from region to region.


We each perceive the outside world differently according to our level.


We must increase production levels.


The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea level.


A football field should be level.


The two picture is not quite level that one is higher than the other.

这两幅画挂得不一般高, 这幅比那幅高。

We need a mechanical digger to level the ground.


The bombing raid practically leveled the town.


The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head.



find one's own level
    找到与自己相称的位置 find and associate with the people with whom one is morally, socially or intellectually equal
draw level
    势均力敌,打成平手 be evenly matched in strength;be in equilibrium
level against (v.+prep.)
    对(某人)提出控诉 state a charge against (sb)
    level sth against sb

    They levelled an accusation against her.


    A serious charge was levelled against the minister.


    The thief was taken to the police station, where a charge of robbery was levelled against him.


level at (v.+prep.)
    将…的矛头指向(某人) direct (sth such as opposition) towards (sb)
level down (v.+adv.)
    使…向低水平下降 low (sth such as incomes) to an equal level
level off (v.+adv.)
    变平稳;变稳定 become level, flat or at a steady rate
    level sth ⇔ off

    Level off the shelves with a spirit level.


    When the house was built, the garden had to be levelled off with a big earth-moving machine.


    level off

    On reaching 1000 metres, the pilot levelled off.


    After going up for six months, the cost of living levelled off in September.


level out (v.+adv.)
    消除(差别等) make (sth such as difference) equal
    level out

    East of the gorge leveled out.


    level sth ⇔ out

    The steam-roller levelled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured.


    level out

    You are unlikely to get further promotion—we all have to level out some time.


    level sth ⇔ out

    The tax system is extended to level out the big differences between rich and poor.


level up (v.+adv.)
    将(收入等)向上拉平 raise (sth such as incomes) to an equal level
    level sth ⇔ up

    The idea of equal education was to level up the general standard.


level with (v.+prep.)
    〈口〉向(某人)说实话 speak the truth to (sb)


  • The rising of the water brought me a little more upon a level.

  • A great plain as level as the sea.

    出自:J. Conrad
  • Turf recently disturbed was trodden level again.

    出自:C. Mackenzie
  • The land is flat because the winds have leveled it.

    出自:W. Gass


do one's level best, do one's best
  • 这两个短语都有“尽力”的意思,它们之间的差别在于程度不同:前者较后者更加尽力,即“竭尽全力”。试比较:
  • I'll do my best to finish it.
  • 我将尽力完成这件事。
  • I'm sure Brooks will do his level best.
  • 我肯定,布鲁克斯会竭尽全力的。
  • on a level, on the level
  • 这两个短语仅一个冠词之差,意思完全不同:前者的意思是“在同等的水平线上”或“处于同等地位”,常与with连用;后者的意思是“真诚地”或“诚实地”,常用于口语中。例如:
  • The ground floor of our house is on a level with the street.我家房子的底层与街面一样高。
  • Technically, both players are on a level.双方运动员在技术方面不相上下。
  • Is his offer on the level?他的提议真诚吗?
  • Although he got rich very quickly he did it completely on the level.他虽然很快致富,但靠的完全是正当手段。
  • 注意on the level也可表示“在平地上”。例如:
  • He could run fast on the level.在平地上他能跑得很快。
  • adj.(形容词)
    level, flat
  • 这两个词都有“平的”“平坦的”意思。其区别在于:
  • 1.flat指表面水平或类似水平,即没有显著的起伏与倾斜。
  • 2.level指“平均”,即没有明显的弯曲与凸凹,但不一定水平。例如:
  • This road is level until you get near the hill.这条路很平,你可直达附近小山。
  • v.(动词)
    level, aim, point, train
  • 这组词的共同意思是“对准”“瞄准”,它们之间的区别是:
  • 1.瞄准方法不同:aim指端起枪瞄准; train指把枪放在对准其目标的位置上; level指把枪放在水平位置上瞄准; point则指以某物的一端或尖端对准某一点。例如:
  • The army trained its cannon on the fort.军队把大炮对准了要塞。
  • The second sentry leveled his halberd at the parson's breast.第二个警卫把他的戟对准了牧师的胸口。
  • He pointed his finger at me.他用手指着我。
  • 2.搭配范围不同:aim和train可以表示以镜头对准; 而level和point不能这样用。例如可以说He trained the camera upon the children.它把相机对准孩子们。
  • 3.连用的介词不同:aim与at, for连用; train与on〔upon〕连用; level与at, against 连用; 而point则与at, to连用。
  • 4.使用场合不同:aim for多见于较正式的文体中。
  • level的相关近义词





    leverleveeLeveltlevelsLevelutLevelohlevellyLevel IlevelerlevelupLeveleslevelpeg

