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raw sewage造句

2022-05-03 来源:乌哈旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【raw sewage造句】内容,供您参考。

1、Several decades ago, Americans dumped raw sewage into rivers and many industrial plants are now still dumping chemical pollutants into lakes, rivers and oceans.(几十年前,美国人把经处理的污物、污水倾倒入江河,许多工厂如今仍在把化学污染物倒入湖泊、江河和海洋。)

2、Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.(向大海里倾倒污水既不卫生也不安全。)

3、The SV-pumps are equipped with Vortex impellers, undoubtedly the best non-clog impellers ever invented for the handling of mud, raw sewage, viscous liquids, rags, wood chips and other solids.(泵配有旋涡叶轮,是最好的无堵塞叶轮,用于进行泥浆,未经处理的污水,粘稠液体,破布,木屑和其他固体。)

4、Over 265 billion gallons of raw sewage are dumped into the Yangtze annually. Currently the river flushes this downstream and out into the ocean.(每年,超过2650亿加仑(10亿立方米)未经处理的污水流入长江,经过下游并最终流入大海。)

5、The experiments show that the layer height, the particle size of zeolite, the quality of the raw sewage and the flow velocity are the main influence factors.(实验结果表明:影响改性沸石除铵的主要因素是改性沸石层的装填高度、改性沸石粒径大小、原水水质、流速等。)

6、The raw sewage is chemically treated.(未经处理的污水要进行化学处理。)

7、These cities collect stormwater and sewage in the same pipes, which means that when sewers are overwhelmed, raw sewage floods directly into rivers and streams.(在这些城市,雨水和生活污水由相同的排水系统排放,意味着当下水道水量过大,未经处理的污水会直接涌向河流和溪流。)

8、In 1858 the stench of raw sewage got so bad that Parliament, which meets in a riverside building, had to be dissolved.(1858年,未经处理的污水所发出的恶臭,迫使在河边大楼开会的英国国会提早休会。)

9、Residents here are very worried about cholera reaching their area because raw sewage has been overflowing from manholes all over the place.(这里的居民十分担心霍乱到达他们这里,因为大家可以看到,脏水已经从下水口里溢出,弄得到处都是。)

10、In order to improve the efficiency and quality of sewage treatment, and save manpower and raw materials, designing an automatic monitoring system is very necessary.(为了提高污水处理的效率和质量,同时节省大量的人力和物力,设计一套自动化监控系统是十分必要的。)

11、The bricks in Vault201 were made from 100 percent recycled material—including industrial waste and raw sewage.(拱顶201使用的砖,完全由可回用材料制成,包括工业废料和废水。)

12、heterotrophic bacteria eat most of the carbon-based materials in raw sewage while autotrophic bacteria consume ammonia and nitrogen compounds.(异养细菌可以吃掉未处理污水当中的大部分碳基物质;而自养细菌则会消耗掉氨氮化合物。)

13、The consequence of techniques such as these is that an ever-larger proportion of sewage is being used as a raw material for energy generation.(通过诸如上述的这些技术,越来越多的废弃物能够作为能源生产的原材料。)

14、Indirect raw sewage water source heat pump system is utilized in this building for heating in winter and cooling in summer.(该建筑采用间接式原生污水源热泵系统进行冬季供热,夏季供冷。)

15、Bazalgette's design included a safety valve: when too much waste enters the system, raw sewage runs into the River Thames.(巴扎尔吉特当初设计了一个安全阀,当管网中的污水太多时,不经处理的污水便直接注入泰晤士河。)

16、We'll trade you our raw sewage bathroom.(我们将和你交易我们又原始又脏乱的浴室。)

17、The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it.(市民把未处理的污水倒入河中使河水污染。)

18、raw sewage is pumping on the beach in open drains, with children playing on the edge and families sitting nearby.(污水用明沟排放在海滩上,孩子们在明沟边玩耍,家人们就坐在附近。)

19、The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage.(海上覆盖着薄薄一层未经处理的污水。)

20、Ideal for stormwater, combined effluent, raw sewage, irrigation water and streams.(理想的雨水,加上污水,未经处理的污水,灌溉用水和溪流。)

21、It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea.(仅用水泵将未经处理的污水排入海中是不够的。)

22、The Liujiang is polluted because industries and the city drainage system directly discharge into it significant raw sewage and rainwater.(由于工业企业和城市排水系统直接向江中排放大量未经处理的污水和雨水,使柳江受到污染。)

23、The water you're drinking has to not be the same water, in your mind, as that raw sewage going in.(在你的头脑中,那些污水在流,你在喝的水必须不是同样的水。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


