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short coming造句

2022-05-03 来源:乌哈旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【short coming造句】内容,供您参考。

1、They are coming to believe, in short, that the best approach for family happiness is for you to take care of you and me of me, rather than everyone contorting themselves for everyone else.(简而言之,他们逐渐认为让家庭和睦的最好方法是各自照顾好自己,而不是为了别人而限制自己。)

2、In short, the survey found that Linux is poised for growth in the coming years; 76.4% of companies are planning to add more Linux servers in the next twelve months.(简而言之,调查发现,Linux明年将保持增长的势头;未来12个月,76.4%的公司计划增添更多的Linux服务器。)

3、You have been aware of this coming period for quite some time, but it will still surprise you if not astonish you that so much can be achieved in such a short time.(很长时间以来,你们已经觉察到即将来临的时期,但是它仍然会使你吃惊,如果不是如此地震惊你的话,它会在十分短的时间里实现。)

4、After postponing my hot date - I told him that I had relatives coming to stay at short notice (I didn't mention that the relatives were actually my sons) - the children arrived for the weekend.(在推迟了我的黄金约会之后——我在便条上告诉他我有亲戚要来(我没说我的亲戚其实是我两个儿子)——周末孩子们要到我这里来。)

5、Entering the university is short way to make your dream coming truth.(进入大学是短暂的方法,使你的梦想来的真理。)

6、Economic law does not deny market regulations, actually, it corrects the inherent short coming of market regulations so as to defend the essential use of market regulating.(经济法不是要否定市场调节的作用,而是为了纠正市场调节的固有缺陷,以维护市场调节的基础性作用。)

7、There are two classes of methods to overcome this short coming: resin barrier and coating barrier.(克服此缺点的方法分两大类:塑料阻融层及涂料阻融层。)

8、Up to 187.5 billion yuan ($28 billion) should be raised in short order, with much of the demand coming from China’s state-controlled companies.(这些债券将主要出售给国家控股的公司,迅速筹资1875亿元(280亿美元)。)

9、The time is coming when I will cut short your strength and the strength of your father's house, so that there will not be an old man in your family line.(日子必到,我要折断你的膀臂和你父家的膀臂,使你家中没有一个老年人。)

10、This paper studies measures for depressing valve lip cavitation, Compares virtue and short coming of Version improvement measures, based on increasing Working Cavitation number.(笔者从提高空化数的角度出发,研究了减免阀门底缘空化的措施,并比较了各种改善措施的优劣。)

11、Her breath was coming in short bursts.(她的呼吸急迫短促。)

12、In short, the website is coming to resemble television. It is also moving to the television set.(简而言之,视频网站的形式正在向电视靠拢,网站自身也在慢慢进入电视市场。)

13、First and foremost, let me thank you for coming to Geneva at such short notice.(首先,让我感谢你们在接到通知后这么快就来到日内瓦。)

14、In coming months, the world's major PC makers plan to introduce a new generation of quick-start computers, spotting a marketing opportunity in society's short attention span.(在未来几个月里,世界上主要的电脑制造商计划推出新一代快速启动的电脑,在社会的短暂注意力中认准营销机会。)

15、Spring is coming. A short winter squirrels happily come in tree holes drilled hole in the woods somersault jump up.(春天来了。在树洞中短促了一个冬季的小松鼠快乐地钻出洞来,在树林间翻腾跳跃起来。)

16、Cardiologists and engineers are, in short, coming up with all kinds of new ideas to improve the performance of cardiac devices and make them smaller and safer.(心脏专家和工程师们集思广益,不断对心脏治疗设备性能进行改进,是设备越来越小巧安全。)

17、In the coming weeks, I'll be releasing a very short (maybe 15 pages or so), free e-book.(接下来的一个星期,我准备发表一篇非常短(15页左右)的免费电子书。)

18、It was my first grown-up book, a story not pat or perfect, about children coming of age in a time when reality falls wretchedly short of ideals.(这是第一本让我成长的书籍,故事内容并不完美,讲述了当现实不幸脱离理想时,孩子们走向成熟的经历。)

19、He asked the cause of our coming and answered that he agreed us to reside in his temple for one night, but just short of the bedclothes.(他问明了来由,回答说住一夜是可以的,只是缺少被褥。)

20、"I want to be part of this club, that was one of my main reasons for coming here," the defender said. "We have to do it in as quick and short a time as possible."(我希望成为俱乐部的一部分,这是我来这儿的主要原因,我们必须尽快重整旗鼓。)

21、But so soon as a little wind arises, the moist air is moved away, new dry air constantly takes its place, and coming into contact with the wet article, effects in a very short time the desired result.(但这时只要有一点儿风,含有水分的空气马上就会移动到别的地方,这时新的干燥的空气就会不断地补充近来,接触到潮湿的物体,以更快的速度在短时间内带走其中的水分。)

22、Working on a project in short bursts means you’re always coming back fresh.(在短时间的工作,意味着你总是有一个新鲜的开始。)

23、Partly because there is likely to be a short hiatus in new investor buyers coming to the market – if you haven't panicked yet, you will need a new crisis before you do so.(还有一部分是因为新投资者买家的进场可能出现短暂停顿——如果你还没有恐慌的话,你将需要一场新的危机。)

24、In short, we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations.(简而言之,我们必须勤奋工作,为了下一代把世界变成更美好的地方。)

25、"i beg to differ," an older leaf said suddenly coming beside them. "the journey may be short, but the end is the beginning."(“我可不同意,”一个老叶子的声音突然从背后传来:“旅程是短暂,但是结尾总是人生的开始啊。”)

26、I really expect it coming quickly, I want to have a short trip during these days.(我真的希望它快点到来,我想在这些天中做一个短途旅行。)

27、The recruits were coming to the makeshift Pakistani camps but only in enough numbers to assure the core group's survival not its success, at least not in the short term.(代巴基斯坦军营的招兵已经要开始了,但是只是数量上够并不能保证这个核心团体的成功与否,至少在短时间内是这样的。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


