造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Jones: Source Code is a little softer science than Moon, which I would posit is pretty hard science fiction.(琼斯:相比于《月球》在《源代码》中对科技做了软处理,我会设定一个相当复杂的科学小说背景。)
2、And so we need to appeal to, we need to posit, the existence of, a soul.(所以我们需要借助他法,我们需要假定灵魂存在。)
3、When we posit an intention we just decide which of these speakers it is.(当我们假定这样一种意图时,必须裁定哪一个是说话人。)
4、Well, at least he did posit it as a question of right and wrong.(好吧,至少他还假定这是个对与错的问题。)
5、Concerning the semantic formula of -men, some linguists posit that -men is a plural marker in pronouns.(关于其语义特征,一些语言学家认为“-men”在人称代词后是复数标记。)
6、Some posit that gender identity is firmly fixed at a very young age; others argue that this identity can be very fluid for many years.(有些认为性别认同在很小的年龄就被牢牢地固定;另一些人则争辩说,这种身份可能不固定已经很多年了。)
7、also further posit that this cots proprietary operating system is found on the majority of the deployed systems under consideration.(再进一步假定这家cots的专用作业系统可以在大多数研究中的已部署系统上找到。)
8、Maybe we need to posit the soul in order to explain ghosts.(或许我们需要假设灵魂存在以解释鬼魂。)
9、How do I posit — why do I believe in x-rays, even though I don't see them?(我如何证实,我为什么会相信X射线是存在的,尽管我压根看不见它?)
10、You can negate fear, negate anxiety or you can posit despair or weakness.(你可以否定恐惧,否定焦虑或者你可以崇尚沮丧或者虚弱。)
11、So I don't feel forced to posit the existence of a soul.(所以我没觉得我一定要接受灵魂存在的假设)
12、Whether we are awake or dreaming interpret nerve impulses and posit causes for them according to their own needs.(我们是否清醒,或者在做梦,解释了神经冲动,并且假定了,他们的原因,根据他们自己的需要。)
13、If you posit this idea to any of the company's top executives, they'll dismiss it.(如果你将这种观点说给公司内部任何一个高管听,他们都会对此表示不屑。)
14、Given those realities, it makes sense for them to work with journalists rather than to posit themselves in opposition to the media.(考虑到当前的现实,他们与记者合作,而不与媒体对立很明智。)
15、Merzenich is also a co-founder of posit Science, a company that makes one of the brain training programs used at Walter Reed and other military.(梅泽尼奇也是假定科学公司的创始人之一。现在里德医院和其他军队用的脑部训练程序之一,就是这家公司提供的。)
16、What you need to do is to posit your claim and the gift is yours.(你需要做的仅仅是宣称你的所有权,那么这份财富就将归你所有。)
17、We posit — or the fans of souls posit — the existence of souls so as to explain something that needs explaining about us.(我们或者灵魂论的拥护者们假设,灵魂是存在的,这就能解释一些我们自身不解的东西。)
18、If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior.(如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。)
19、Three Spanish scientists posit that the observed acceleration of the expanding cosmos is an illusion caused by the slowing of time.(西班牙有三名科学家提出假说认为,现在人们所观察到的宇宙膨胀现象,实质上是因为时间变慢而产生的假象。)
20、These Facebook funds posit themselves as singular shareholders, so even a couple hundred of them shouldn't matter.(这些Facebook基金将自己定位为单一股东,因此即便市场上存在着一两百个这样的基金也没有太大关系。)
21、Researchers also posit that high levels of stress hormones caused by ACEs can wear down the body over time.(研究人员还认定,天长日久,由ace引起的高浓度应激激素会拖垮身体。)
22、Most religions posit the existence of life after death.(大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。)
23、In my fanfiction, I had the narrator (31-year old Angelina) posit that her early childhood was spent in a shadow.(在我的同人文里,故事讲述者(31岁的安吉列娜)的童年笼罩在阴影中。)
24、So we have no reason to posit the existence of a soul.(所以,我们没有理由假定灵魂存在。)
25、In the situation you posit, it is the creditworthiness of the creditor that is the potential problem, not that of the debtor.(而在你所说的情况中,是债权人的信誉可能出现问题,而不是债务人的信誉出现问题。)
26、So if the argument's going to be, "We need to posit the existence of a soul in order to explain creativity," Again, that just seems wrong.(所以如果这个论证要说,我们必须假定灵魂的存在,才能解释创造力,再一次,这看起来是错误的。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。