


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、research was a problem. the closest analogue came from socrates.(研究是一个问题。苏格拉底有过这样最贴切的类比。)

2、I'm obsessed with things that are distinctly analogue.(我很迷恋那些带有明显同质化的东西。)

3、Ofcom will auction off the frequency currently used by analogue television broadcasts in 2010, handing it over for use by mobile operators.(通信管理局将在2010年拍卖现在由模拟电视广播使用的频率,将它移交给手机运营商。)

4、How the shift from analogue to digital phones might have changed things is anybody's guess.(到底从模拟电话到数字电话的转变对实验结果产生了怎样的影响每个人心里都没有底。)

5、A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogue.(素食者所摄取的蛋白质不是来自肉类而是来自近似肉类的食物。)

6、The closest living analogue might be a sponge.(现存的最接近的类似物或许是海绵。)

7、These frequencies, along with other UHF and VHF parts of the spectrum used by analogue television, are now to be vacated.(这些频率,连同模拟电视使用的其他UHF和VHF频谱,现在都空出来了。)

8、With no physical analogue I think the text loses its weight.(没有物理接触,文字也失去了应有的重量。)

9、The best analogue of the recent past would be the 6.9% recovery out of the deep 1957 recession.(最好的关于最近一次衰退的类比应该是1957年大衰退后的6.9%的复苏。)

10、No conversion from analogue to digital data is needed.(没有必要把模拟转换为数字数据。)

11、Unfortunately, if your operating system didn't provide a good analogue to this, there was simply no way to implement the system call.(不幸的是,如果您的操作系统不具备与此完全类似的功能,那么没有任何办法来实现这个系统调用。)

12、Then it brought in analogue handset phones, followed by cellular digital technology and a semiconductor plant.(然后,继蜂窝式无线通讯数字技术及半导体设备后它带来了类似的手提电话。)

13、Additionally, Dragon Runner SUGV, gives operators field-changeable frequency capabilities, using analogue or digital radio options.(此外,通过模拟或数字无线电选项,“龙信使”可以为操作人员在野外环境提供可变频通信能力。)

14、Their analogue TV age probably came and went long ago, before humans even thought about searching the sky for signs of intelligent life.(他们类似的电视时代大概在很久以前,甚至在人类想到要在天空中搜索智慧生命信号之前就到来又过去了。)

15、Unlike analogue signals, which tend to degrade gradually when digital signals drop data, the picture can freeze abruptly.(模拟信号往往会逐渐劣化,数字信号不同,它丢失数据后,画面会突然静止。)

16、In practice, though, many people will be watching the television or an analogue clock, and will not notice the leap second at all.(实际上,到那时候大多数人都在看电视或盯着模拟时钟,那他们就不会注意到有闰秒了。)

17、The interface is analogue and very simple to use.(它是模拟式界面并且很容易使用。)

18、Because no modern land animals even approach sauropod size, scientists have also lacked a living analogue to use as a guide to possible sauropod behavior.(因为现代陆地动物的体型都比不上蜥脚类动物,科学家们也缺乏一种类似的活物参考以了解蜥脚类动物可能做出的行为。)

19、In late June, when I tried to sign up on McCainSpace — the analogue to MyBO — I got error messages.(在6月末,当我试图在类似于MyBO的McCainSpace网站上注册时,得到的却是错误信息。)

20、All the analogue holdouts are widely available online-just not legally.(所有的这些拒绝网络化的在网上可以看得到,只是不合法。)

21、All four founders maintain profiles on OK Cupid, but they are all married, and they all met their wives the analogue way.(所有四个创始人都在“OK丘比特”上维护简介,但是他们都结婚了,而且他们与自己妻子都以类似的方式相遇。)

22、Information technology is predicated on the idea that the material being processed is but an analogue of real-world things.(信息技术基于这样一种认识,所处理的资料仅仅是客观事物的相似物。)

23、Though digital circuits are more resistant to noise than analogue designs, they remain vulnerable.(数字电流相比模拟电路对噪音抗性更强,但依然十分脆弱。)

24、This trait is the emotional analogue of temperance.(这个品质对应与节欲的情感反应。)

25、A complete analogue of one of the control rooms at the plant.(核电站中一个完整的模拟控制房间。)

26、TV broadcasts here are still being done in analogue.(这里的电视广播依然使用的是模拟信号。)

27、A European analogue, the European Investment Bank, has turned out to work well.(与之相似的欧洲投资银行运行良好。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


