


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、They don't want to run their elderly parents' or grown siblings' lives, but they're fearful of letting safety hazards fester.(他们不希望干涉年迈的父母或长大的兄弟姐妹的生活,但他们担心这样会导致安全方面的风险恶化。)

2、This way, small problems do not fester into big ones.(这样小问题就不会扩展为大问题了。)

3、Other arguments will continue to fester.(其他的争论将会愈演愈烈。)

4、Peace would transform a troubled region, whereas, left to fester, the conflict spreads its poison.(和平可以改变动乱地区,但冲突却扩大伤害。)

5、It can fester in those wide open Spaces for thousands of years.(那东西在那些空旷了千百年的地方会化脓烂掉。)

6、Real problems in your business will not be exposed when they're still solvable and instead they're going to fester and turn into big problems.(公司真正的问题在还有可能解决的时候不会暴露出来,而是会继续恶化,直到变得严重。)

7、A dirty wound will probably fester.(弄赃了的伤口,可能会化脓。)

8、Hatred and tension continue to fester in the war-torn city.(仇恨和紧张在这座饱受战乱的城市中滋长。)

9、For the truth is that unless we can forgive, we can never recover. Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal.(这是因为存在这样的真理:如果我们不原谅别人,就永远无法修复自己的创伤,伤口会继续溃烂,永不愈合。)

10、Gradually fester in the body.(逐渐溃烂在身体里。)

11、Nuclear accidents have global repercussions, and public mistrust of nuclear power demands that its problems not be left to fester.(核事故有着全球的影响,华人对核电力的不信任要求这些问题应该得到妥善处理。)

12、Yet, because the economy is still uncertain, employees feel trapped, so they stay, and their negative attitudes fester.(然而,由于经济依然充满不确定性,员工觉得前途渺茫,于是他们留了下来,但却滋生了负面情绪。)

13、The obvious contrast is with Japan, where bad debts were left to fester.(这与日本形成了鲜明的对比,日本的坏账被滞留到溃烂。)

14、My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly.(因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。)

15、Separate rows between Greece and Turkey over tiny islets in the Aegean continue to fester .(赛岛在爱琴海中可谓沧海一粟,而希腊与土耳其对该岛的瓜分之争恐要继续恶化。)

16、Disagreements about priorities or tactics are brought immediately to an accountable decision-maker, rather than being allowed to fester.(关于优先级或策略的分歧要立即向负责的决策者反馈,而不是没有行动任其溃烂。)

17、The wounds of the heart were stranded, I understand how to fester.(心滞留的伤口,我自己懂有多溃烂。)

18、Resentments are starting to fester.(仇恨正开始逐步加深。)

19、By expressing your feelings and talking through (not yelling, mind you) problems, you don't give them a chance to fester and grow.(表达你的感受并且讨论问题,这样你就不会给问题一个溃烂或者增长的机会。)

20、One day, after drink, he wailed bitterly to Yihe and me that, his internal organs had started to fester!(有一天,在酒后,他痛哭着对我和骆一禾说,他的内脏开始溃烂了!)

21、The wound did not fester.(伤口未溃烂。)

22、She doesn’t let her fears or thoughts fester; instead, she gets them out by writing them out over coffee every day.(母亲不会让自己的恐惧或者思想深藏在心里,相反,她每天会以边喝咖啡边书写的方式把它们抒发出来。)

23、They resolve arguments rather than letting things fester.(他们解决争端而不是放任事情一再恶化。)

24、Sometimes we bury our feelings where they fester and decay, and then begin to infect other parts of the psyche as well.(有时候,我们在溃烂和腐朽时会掩藏自己的感觉,然后这些伤口又开始传染给灵魂的其他部分。)

25、one reason was that japan allowed bad debt to fester and encouraged banks to throw good money after bad in keeping zombie companies alive.(造成这种情况的原因之一是日本允许呆账注销,鼓励银行将优质资金注入僵尸公司以使其继续维持运营。)

26、If ignored, they bother us, affect our health, fester and eventually turn us into the living dead.(如果忽视了,它们打扰我们,影响我们的健康,溃烂,直至最终让我们成为活着的死人。)

27、Without a resolution of this global debt burden, systemic risk will fester and grow.(没有这个全球债务负担的解决,系统性风险将恶化和生长。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


