

2022-05-03 来源:乌哈旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Even without a clear rooting interest, the final match between Brazil and Germany was also exhilarating.(后来巴西队和德国队之间的决赛也一样激动人心,尽管我们没有明显的个人喜好。)

2、The primary campaign was exhilarating for me.(初选的结果对我来说是令人振奋的。)

3、Walking with Ms Horn around the Berlin exhibition is an exhilarating experience.(同霍恩女士一同参观柏林会展是一次激动人心的经历。)

4、At first, it might seem exhilarating and thrilling for the chance to do what we love for a living.(乍一看,这似乎是令人兴奋和刺激的机会,能为谋生去做我们所喜爱的工作。)

5、He clearly found the physical exertion exhilarating.(他明显发现体力消耗令人愉悦。)

6、It was pitiful in a way, and yet cheering—even exhilarating.(这在某种程度上是挺凄凉的,但也令人振奋——甚至是激动人心。)

7、Definitely one of the most exhilarating things I've done. '.(绝对是我做过的最兴奋的事情之一。)

8、Romantic love is not for the weak of heart. It is exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.(浪漫的爱情不是为脆弱心灵准备的,因为它能够让人同时体会到极大的兴奋和恐惧。)

9、There's something exhilarating about meeting someone new, whether it's in a coffee shop or online.(无论是在咖啡店还是网络,与陌生人见面总是令人充满期待的。)

10、This is a most exhilarating combination.(这绝对是令人艳羡的理想组合。)

11、When people fall in love that happens rapidly, and it's very exhilarating.(当人们坠入爱河时,这会迅速发生,而且非常使人振奋。)

12、The next three days and nights were among the most exhilarating of my life.(接下来的三天三夜是我一生中最激动人心的时刻。)

13、If you enjoy the thrill of bungee jumping, you probably found 2010 an exhilarating sales year.(如果你喜欢蹦极跳的刺激,你可能会发现2010是一个令人振奋销售年度。)

14、The tempo of the city itself is exhilarating .(而纽约这个城市的节奏也是令人兴奋的。)

15、It was exhilarating to be on the road again and his spirits rose.(重新上路非常令人欢欣,他的兴致高涨了起来。)

16、The April sun mingled with the frosty air like whiskey with ice-water, producing an effect cool but exhilarating.(四月的阳光和寒冷的空气就像威士忌和冰水交织在一起,让人感到冷冽但很振奋人心。)

17、That's scary, but it's also exhilarating.(这有点吓人,但也很令人兴奋。)

18、in a world of wonders, this may be the most exhilarating thing yet.(在这样一个奇妙的世界里,这可能是最令人兴奋的事情。)

19、We went a few weeks later, and it was totally exhilarating.(我们几个星期后去跳伞,实在太刺激了。)

20、Being a columnist at a place like this can be exhilarating.(在这样的地方作一个专栏作家实在让人兴奋。)

21、Being a skeptic of a traditionally-held idea is positively exhilarating.(对于传统观念多疑是一件令人振奋的好事。)

22、My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience.(我第一次跳伞的经历很令人激动。)

23、It was a busy exhilarating scene and yet, I know not why, restful to the spirit.(一派令人振奋的繁忙景象,然而,我不知为什么,觉得这是一幅平静的悠闲画面。)

24、Some are challenging, some are exhilarating, and others are life changing.(有些极具挑战,有些令人雀跃,有的则能扭转你的人生。)

25、When your confidence is high, even a difficult challenge will seem fun and exhilarating.(当你信心十足时,即使是非常艰巨的挑战在你看来也是非常有趣并振奋人心的。)

26、David Deutsch's "Beginning of Infinity" is a brilliant and exhilarating and profoundly eccentric book.(大卫·徳奇的《无穷的起源》是一本天才的、振奋的并且委实离经叛道的书。)

27、This is my second trip to India and I find it exhausting, exhilarating, tragic and vibrant. And I love it.(这是我第二次到印度了,感觉很累人,很兴奋,既有悲情又生机勃勃,我喜欢。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


