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lap up造句

2022-05-03 来源:乌哈旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【lap up造句】内容,供您参考。

1、The fox could easily lap up the soup, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it.(狐狸可以轻而易举地喝到汤,但是鹤只够蘸湿他长长的嘴尖。)

2、If they show any interest in Tosca, the dog will go up to them and put her head in their lap. "Some of them have smiled and spoken their first words when they had contact with Tosca," Hoheneck said.(如果他们对Toska表示兴趣的话,这狗就会来到他们跟前,把头放在他们大腿上,Heheneck说:“他们中的一些人自从和Toska接触后,便开始微笑了,并且还第一次开口说话了。”)

3、The boy climbed up onto the couch into my lap, facing me. "Can't he get more power?" he asked, voice cracking.(儿子爬上了沙发,坐到我膝上,眼睛紧紧地盯着我。“比斯特还会有能力吗?”他追问道,声音颤抖了。)

4、Sitting there with my first mentor listening contentedly and my son on my lap, emotion welled up inside me.(我的启蒙恩师在认真的听我诉说,儿子坐在我的腿上,此情此景让我情难自已。)

5、A moment later, you are on a plane (if it is a small plane, you are most likely sitting on your instructor's lap), then up above the extraordinary New Zealand landscapes.(不一会儿,你就在飞机上了(如果是个小飞机,你最可能坐在你的陪同教练膝盖上),然后上升至新西兰完美的风景上。)

6、One friend chirped up first: "Oh, that's when you go sit on the big bunny rabbit's lap and tell him what you want in your Easter basket."(朱莉其中一个朋友抢先说:“噢,复活节的时候你可以坐在兔子的膝盖上告诉他你希望出现在复活节篮子里的礼物。”复活节兔子,相传是来自德国。)

7、They're happy to lap up the hospitality of their rescuers.(他们欣然接受了那些救助者的好意。)

8、If you want to settle for the crumbs you are thrown and lap them up like a person who is starving, that's a choice.(如果你像饥饿的人舔到一点点面包屑那样获得满足,那是一种选择。)

9、The boy climbed up onto the couch into my lap, facing me.(男孩爬上沙发,坐到我的腿上,面对着我。)

10、Dog-loving kids (are there any who aren't?) will lap up "Famished in Florida's" beef that his people are putting him on a diet, complete with his stick-thin self-portrait titled "skinny me."(喜欢狗的孩子们(谁不是呢?)会欣然接受那只叫做“佛罗里达的饥饿”的牛——它的人民正在让它节食,结果是它的“树棍一样瘦、被当作自画像标题的‘皮包骨的我’”。)

11、It began to lap up the pudding happily, within minutes, the mess on the floor was gone.(它开始愉快地舔着布丁,几分钟后,地板上的脏乱消失了。)

12、It lagged behind because of its lame lap, so from time to time the lad waited for it to catch up with him.(因为它大腿是跛的,它老落后,因此不时地小伙子会等它跟上来。)

13、So will EI lap up India's milk market?(那么EI将会蚕食印度牛奶市场吗?)

14、The hazards: The gonads are the most sensitive area, but some patients take the shield you put on their lap and pull it up to their face.(关于危险:生殖腺是最敏感的部位,有些病人会要求你在他们的身上盖上防辐射毯子,一直盖到脸上。)

15、Royal Family element: lacking a domestic equivalent, Americans lap up the latest imported blue-blooded scandals.(此外还有皇室因素:由于国内没有身份相应的人,美国人贪婪地享受着最近引进的贵族丑闻。)

16、Most surprising, some lizards, such as geckos and skinks, lap up nectar and pollen and then transport the stuff on their faces and feet as they forage onward.(更令人惊讶的是,某些蜥蜴,譬如喜爱甜食花蜜和花粉的壁虎和石龙子,它们在进食过程中其面部和足部的花粉也会被传播出去。)

17、Then came steel strings, and that led to the lap guitar—which is also called the steel guitar because the player slides a steel rod up and down the neck.(然后出现了钢丝弦,接着膝上吉他就诞生了。膝上吉他也被称为钢吉他,因为演奏者会在琴颈上下滑动一个钢棒。)

18、They lap up books like “Start-Up Nation” and delight in talking about their country’s successful IPOs.(他们美滋滋地翻阅《启动之国》,也为IPO的成功而欢欣雀跃。)

19、As soon as we're out of the city, she's up in the front seat of the car, up in my lap, and she never leaves my side.(我们一离开城里,她就跳上车子的前座,跳到我的膝盖上,她从不离我左右。)

20、the novel is rounding out now, shaping up pretty much as planned, and i have completed chapters 13 through 16 (pages 167-221) and am hoping the last lap goes as well.(小说现在圆满完工了,和计划的几乎一模一样。我已经写完了第十三至16章(167至221页).希望最后阶段也能如此顺利。)

21、Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them.(他们的观众会照单全收他们抛来的任何信息。)

22、barked the yard-dog, I'll tell you, they said I was a pretty little fellow once, then I used to lie in a velvet-covered chair, up at the master's house, and sit in the mistress's lap.(狗儿叫了叫,说:我跟你讲啊,以前他们都叫我小可爱,让我睡在主人卧室里的天鹅绒座垫上,坐在女主人的膝头上。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


