

2022-05-03 来源:乌哈旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、it was a flat bean that her great grandparents had brought from sicily.(这是她的曾祖父曾祖母从西西里带来的扁豆。)

2、There are four hundred neatly marked graves somewhere in Sicily.(在西西里,有四百个整齐排列的坟墓。)

3、His skin and bones are kept in a Cathedral in Sicily.(他的皮肤和骨骼现在保存在西西里的大教堂中。)

4、Cyprus, likewise, suffers from these attacks, and so far west as Italy and Sicily are under attack.(塞浦路斯同样遭受了袭击,远在西边的意大利和西西里也遭到了攻击。)

5、They established a colony somewhere in the 750 BC, and soon afterward, there is a colony established on the east coast of Sicily.(他们在公元前750年的某个地方建立了一个殖民地,不久之后,在西西里岛的东海岸建立了一个殖民地。)

6、Gossip in the trade suggested that Aphrodite had in fact been found not long before in Sicily.(业内的传言说阿佛洛狄忒实际上不久前才在西西里岛被发现。)

7、A group of wealthy friends are cruising the sea near Sicily on a yacht.(一群有钱人开着游艇在西西里岛附近的海上游弋。)

8、On May 11th, the thousand landed at Marsala, in western Sicily, to a warm welcome from, well, the British consul.(5月11日,千名红衫军登陆西部西西里国的马尔萨拉,受到了英国领事的热烈欢迎。)

9、In January 1989, the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high speed pan-European train network extending from Sweden to Sicily, and from Portugal to Poland by the year 2020.(1989年1月,欧洲铁路共同体提出了一项建议,即在2020年前建成一个从瑞典延伸到西西里岛、从葡萄牙延伸到波兰的泛欧高速铁路网。)

10、Silk production thus spread through Africa, Sicily and Spain as the Arabs swept, through these lands.(随着阿拉伯人席卷这些土地,丝绸生产就这样传遍了非洲、西西里和西班牙。)

11、Perhaps that's just the way Sicily is: alive or dead, the carnival goes on.(也许这就是西西里:无论是死是活,嘉年华在继续。)

12、In northeastern Sicily you'll find lush forests.(在西西里岛东北部,你会发现茂密的森林。)

13、The African colonies clustered in particular around the great promontory which, with Sicily opposite, forms the narrowest channel on the main Mediterranean sea route.(非洲殖民地尤其集中在大海角周围,该海角与西西里岛相对,形成了地中海主要航线上最窄的航道。)

14、In Sicily, not a single council has incorporated the law.(在西西里,没有一个地方议会承认这一法律。)

15、Rome pushed the Carthaginians from Sicily.(罗马先将迦太基人赶出西西里岛。)

16、A repair vessel is expected to reach the damaged sector between Sicily and Tunisia by this evening.(一艘维修船有望在今晚到达位于西西里与突尼斯间的出事地点。)

17、In January 1989, the Community of European Railways presented their proposal for a high speed pan European train network extending from Sweden to Sicily.(1989年1月,欧洲铁路共同体提出了从瑞典到西西里岛建设泛欧高速铁路网的建议。)

18、Sicily is one of my happy hunting-grounds.(西西里是我常去的快乐地方之一。)

19、The island of Sicily and the peninsula are shining lights of the city nightlife.(西西里岛的岛屿和半岛都闪烁着城市夜生活灯光。)

20、Actually the western portion of Sicily remained under Carthaginian control.(实际上西西里的西部依然在迦太基的控制之下。)

21、Lava heads for the sea as Mount Etna erupts Wednesday night on Sicily.(西西里岛上的埃特纳火山星期三爆发,岩浆奔流入海。)

22、In fact, it is the most densely populated region on the whole island of Sicily.(事实上,它是整个西西里岛上人口最稠密的地区。)

23、Communities from Chile to Egypt to Sicily have mummified their dead to preserve the body for the afterlife.(从智利到埃及的一些群落,用木乃伊来为人的来世保存躯体。)

24、Sikania to its most ancient peoples, Sicily was Sikelia, Plato's utopian society, to the ancient Greeks.(Sikania其最古老的民族,对古希腊人来说,西西里就是Sikelia,柏拉图的乌托邦社会。)

25、The Sicily, Italy, volcano is almost constantly in a state of eruption.(意大利的西西里岛几乎处于火山不断喷发的状态下。)

26、Verdura is a river of southern Sicily.(韦尔杜拉是西西里岛南部的一条河流。)

27、When I lived in Rome there was also much discussion about building a bridge to connect Sicily to the mainland.(我住在罗马时,也有关于建一座桥连接西西里岛和大陆的大量讨论。)

28、Discover Sicily and discover the world.(发现西西里,探索这个世界。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


