


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Now I'm going to give it a displacement, an amplitude which is twice as high.(现在代入振幅,振幅等于高度的两倍。)

2、If plotted on the same set of axes, the amplitude curve would be barely visible.(如果对轴的相同集合绘图,振幅曲线几乎看不出来。)

3、If you take a spring, it is true that the period of oscillation is independent of the amplitude but only up to a point.(如果用弹簧,周期的确和,振幅无关,但也只是点到为止。)

4、This is the amplitude.(这是振幅。)

5、So even if no energy is lost, you are still going to get less amplitude as it is spreading out.(因此,如果这中间没有能量损失的话,即便海啸传播到很远,它依然会保留较小的振幅。)

6、as an amplitude, which is 15 centimeters.(振幅,等于15厘米。)

7、The 4D means four data symbols (two bits), the PAM5 is Pulse amplitude Modulation with five signal levels.(4D指四个数据符(2比特),PAM5表示分5个层级的脉冲幅度调制。)

8、Remember the one-dimensional spring that we had a period which was independent of the amplitude?(记得吗,一维的弹簧,周期和振幅,无关?)

9、It's also instructive to note that the amplitude of -1 in line 15 is unimportant.(注意到在15行的振幅-1不重要也是很有益的。)

10、And I know the amplitude of time.(我知道时间是多么永恒无垠。)

11、So if we square sigma 1 s star, we flip the amplitude so it's all positive now, but again we still have this node right in the middle.(如果我们平方1s星,我们把振幅翻转所以现在都是正的,但同样在中间有个节点。)

12、To calculate the probability of A happening, you must square this amplitude alpha and likewise to work out the probability of B happening.(为了计算A发生的可能性,你必须对概率幅alpha进行平方运算。同样的也要对B进行类似计算。)

13、The associated cross-peak amplitude also appears to oscillate.(相关的交叉峰的幅度也在振荡。)

14、The energy just gets bigger if the amplitude get bigger.(如果振幅变大,能量就变大。)

15、Then the researchers analyzed the frequency, duration and amplitude of each visitor's vibrations.(研究人员分析了所有来访者振动的频率、持续时间以及幅度。)

16、Remember when we have waves we can have positive or a negative amplitude.(记住一个波会有,正的幅值和负的幅值。)

17、For A or B to happen, the probability amplitude is alpha plus beta.(如果让A或者B发生时,那么概率幅是alpha加上beta。)

18、This represents successive stages of transfer of amplitude to later lobes .(这代表振幅向后面波瓣传递的相继各阶段。)

19、As the densities go up, the distance to the closest females is shortened, so you don't have to have a song of high amplitude.(当蓝鲸分布密度上升,他们距离附近的母鲸的距离缩短,就无需高歌了。)

20、The inebriant dose ethanol could enhance the amplitude of corticostriatal LTP through the way of activating the immediate-early gene.(不育剂量的乙醇可以通过激活立即早期基因的方式来增强皮层皮质LTP的幅度。)

21、When we measure its momentum, we are treating it as a wave, meaning we can know the amplitude of its wavelength but not its location.(而当我们测量器动量时,我们将其当做波,这意味着我们能知其波长的振幅,但却无法获知其位置。)

22、But that also reduces the amplitude of the motion, making it harder to detect.(但这种做法同时也降低了运动的振幅,使运动更难被探测到。)

23、This a we call the amplitude.(这个A就是振幅。)

24、Ballism was defined as "Repetitive, but constantly varying, large amplitude involuntary movements of the proximal parts of the limbs".(颤搐被定义为“四肢近端重复的,但不断变化的大幅度不自主运动”。)

25、It is called delta sleep because of the presence of high amplitude, low frequency delta waves that are seen to occur in the EEG.(这个阶段的脑电图以高幅低频的三角形delta波为主,所以被称为Delta睡眠。)

26、the highest value is plus one and the lowest value is minus one, so the amplitude indicates that is...(,最大值,为正一,最小值,为负一,因此振幅显示这是。)

27、The listener can control the amplitude for those sounds they are choosing to listen to.(Günel说:“这个系统给予听者创造他们自己的听觉环境的灵活性,听者可以调节他们选择要听的那些声音的振幅。)

28、If you make the amplitude too large, then you get permanent deformation of the spring.(如果振幅过大,会让弹簧,永久损伤。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


