造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、photograph from the main eastern theater of war, the peninsular campaign, may-august 1862. selected civil war photographs, 1861-1865 (library of congress)(乔治·卡斯特中尉和他的爱犬,1862年5月至8月在东部战场的半岛战役期间拍摄,是美国国会图书馆珍藏的1861至1865年拍摄的内战照片之一。)
2、A projected track shows the hurricane should slam into Mexico's Yucatan peninsular late Monday.(预测路线图表明飓风会在周一晚些时候登陆墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。)
3、This peninsular country jutting off the coast of Saudi Arabia is expected to grow more than any country in the world this year.(这个突出海岸的半岛国家沙特阿拉伯预计在今年增长超过世界上任何的国家。)
4、Transportation service so that the whole peninsular Malaysia (North -south - East Coast).(运输服务,使整个马来西亚半岛(北-South-东海岸)。)
5、The Strait of Johor separates Singapore from peninsular Malaysia.(新加坡和马来西亚半岛之间隔着柔佛海峡。)
6、Each low basis weight region has at least one high basis weight peninsular segment corresponding to the slot in the protuberance.(每一低定量区域具有至少一个对应于突起中槽的高定量半岛形部分。)
7、The other peninsular states were known as the Unfederated Malay States and, while not directly under rule from London, had British advisors in the Sultans" courts.(其余的一些未同盟的半岛国家虽然不直接在伦敦的控制下但在最高法院都有英国顾问。)
8、The relations between the fractal dimension and the different concentration isogram, the Reynolds number, the peninsular shape are also researched.(同时还研究了分维数与不同的浓度等值线、雷诺数和半岛形状的关系。)
9、A few of the best spots include the area around Bukit peninsular - directly south from Dempasar, Kuta (Beach), Dreamland, Uluwatu or Padang Padang.(一个最好的几个景点,包括武吉半岛周围地区-直接从Dempasar南,库塔(海滩),梦境,乌鲁·瓦图或巴东巴东。)
10、peninsular forests have few or comparable species richness.(片断化林地和半岛型林地含有较多的外来种。)
11、peninsular, island and archipelagic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines lack vast tracts of flat, swampy land.(印尼、马来西亚和菲律宾分别是半岛、岛屿和群岛国家,缺乏大面积的湿地平原。)
12、Kunyu Mountain is located in the eastern end of Jiaodong peninsular.(昆嵛山位于胶东半岛的东端。)
13、Tourists sail through dramatic arches of an iceberg on the Antarctica peninsular.(游客乘船通过令人震撼不已的南极冰拱。)
14、The former 'bird Island' within the lake, which used to be inhabited by many birds, now has become a peninsular.(从前湖中的小岛曾是很多鸟儿的栖息地,现在变成了半岛。)
15、They all descended from the ancient Slavs, and settled in the Balkan peninsular in the 6th and 7th centuries.(古代斯拉夫人的各部落在民族大迁移的过程中进入巴尔干半岛,于6—7世纪分散在各地并定居下来。)
16、Charcoal is the main mangrove product in Thailand, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra (Indonesia), Myanmar and Southern Vietnam.(在泰国、马来西亚半岛、苏门答腊(印度尼西亚)、缅甸和越南南部,木炭是红树林的主要产品。)
17、What are the names of the straits that separate Singapore from peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia?(分隔新加坡与马来半岛和印度尼西亚的海峡叫什么?)
18、Even further south, reflections from 35 km depth may correspond to the Moho of peninsular India.(再往南从35公里深度来的反射波是来自印度半岛的莫霍界面。)
19、Dalian is a beautiful seaside city on the southern tip of Liaodong peninsular.(大连是辽东半岛南端的一个美丽的海滨城市。)
20、Gazetteer Asia: peninsular India from Deccan rivers up to Krishna river system.(亚洲:来自德干河的印度半岛向上到克里希纳河河流域。)
21、The path to negotiated settlement proved to be the widely supported option for the peninsular issue.(实践证明,通过谈判解决问题的道路受到了各方的广泛支持。)
22、The origin of peninsular Daic is another focus of attention for us to study.(而中南半岛侗台族群的起源,则是我们研究中关注的另一个问题。)
23、About 32% of the forest area is located in peninsular Malaysia, 22% in Sabah, and 46% in Sarawak.(约32%的森林位于马拉西亚半岛,22%位于沙巴州,46%位于沙捞越邦。)
24、The nuclear issue on the peninsular cannot be resolved easily but to stick to the peace talk process is the sole correct choice.(半岛核问题的解决不可能一帆风顺,但坚持和谈进程是唯一正确的选择。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。