造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、It's time to include a holistic assessment of the actual severity of the risks disclosed in the prospectus.(现在该是对招股说明书中所披露的风险的实际严重程度进行全面评估的时候了。)
2、In fact, in some ways RenRen resembles Facebook so much that it frets in the risk-factors section of its prospectus about patent litigation.(事实上,人人网在某些方面与Facebook极为类似,以至于在人人网招股书的风险因素部分中,都流露出了对可能遭到专利诉讼的忐忑。)
3、The Authority assumes no responsibility for the contents of this prospectus.(管理局对本招股说明书的内容不承担任何责任。)
4、They disclosed it all in the prospectus, albeit in fine print.(这些投行在发售说明书里披露了完整的情况,尽管是用小字印刷的。)
5、We have not lodged or registered this prospectus in any other jurisdiction.(我们未向其它任何管辖机构提交或登记注册本招股说明书。)
6、Panasonic of Japan is also a client, according to Zhengye's prospectus.(根据正业国际的招股说明书,日本松下电器公司也是该公司客户。)
7、One of the surprises in the initial prospectus is how small and profitable this business is said to be.(令人惊讶的一点是,其首次募股章程称这次上市规模不大、能够盈利。)
8、If you are purchasing a new condominium, obtain a copy of the prospectus.(如果你是购买一个新的公寓,获得招股说明书副本。)
9、After a read through the company's prospectus, the initial answer to both question seems to be, Yes.(在详细研读了人人网的招股书后,这两个问题的答案似乎都是肯定的。)
10、the risks are spelled out in mind-numbing detail in every chinese share prospectus issued to western investors.(在向西方投资人发出的每本招股书中,这些风险都详细写出,使人头疼。)
11、Not the sort of in-depth info we'd get in an IPO prospectus, but still much more than most other privately-held firms disclose.(这些报告披露的信息虽然不像IPO招股书那样深度,但比其他大多数非上市公司仍要详尽。)
12、Printing presses were ready to spew out the 1,000-page prospectus.(印刷社严阵以待,准备铺天盖地地发出这1000页的招股书。)
13、But this is boring letter, adding virtually nothing to the prospectus' 245 pages of legalese.(然而,梅森的信本身就很无趣,并未在245页的招股说明以外提供其他任何信息。)
14、You could not sell a security without giving a prospectus to the potential buyers and the prospectus would be something approved by the SEC.(没有招股说明书就不可以,出售证券给潜在买家,而且招股书需要通过证交会审核。)
15、The prospectus is expected to predict that operating profits will exceed $2 billion this fiscal year, a record.(招股说明书有望预计营业利润将在本财政年度创纪录,超过20亿美元。)
16、The Tories will have to supply a more comprehensive prospectus than they have so far.(届时托利党应该会提供一个前所未有的非常全面的计划书。)
17、To many Republicans this is an inspiring prospectus.(这对于许多共和党人来说是一个振奋人心的前景。)
18、LinkedIn is expected to file a prospectus with regulators by the end of the quarter, one person said.(其中一人表示,LinkedIn有望在本季度末向监管机构提交招股说明书。)
19、In its prospectus, the company acknowledged that creditors might find it "difficult or impossible" to pursue claims.(在其募集说明书中,该公司承认,债权人很难或不可能找到依据实现其主张。)
20、In its IPO prospectus, Baidu said its music service accounted for about 40 percent of its traffic.(在其招股说明书中,百度说它的音乐服务占据了流量的40%。)
21、As shocking as this utter failure may be to the nearly 1 billion faithful Facebook users around the world, it's no surprise to anyone who read the initial public offering (IPO) prospectus.(对于全球近10亿忠实的Facebook用户来说,这个彻底失败可能令人震惊,但对于看过首次公开募股(IPO)招股说明书的人来说,这没有什么可惊讶的。)
22、Mr Cameron’s demagogic remarks about burglars hinted at the anxiety. They also point to a fundamental problem with the Tory prospectus.(卡梅隆就窃贼问题煽动性的演说已在暗示托利党的不安了,不仅如此,演说还指到了托利党政策的一个基本问题。)
23、The school was bogus, the prospectus was all got up.(这所学校是虚假的,就连这所学校的创办计划书也全是伪造的。)
24、The prospectus disclosed that the company had not obtained a trademark registration for the brand when they started using it in 2003.(招股说明书中披露说,该公司2003年开始使用这一品牌时并未对这一商标进行注册。)
25、WHEN Goldman Sachs went public in 1999 its prospectus began: "Our clients' interests always come first."(1999年高盛挂牌上市,其招股说明书开头写道:“我们永远把客户的利益放在第一位。”)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。