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Method for coating a component


专利名称:Method for coating a component





摘要:The method for coating a component with a multilayer ceramic coating,comprises applying individual layers of the ceramic coating covering one another on the

component and supplying the ceramic particles to a coating burner in which the particlesare melted partly or completely and then deposited on the component. The ceramicparticles with a particle size, which increases from layer to layer, are supplied to thecoating burner. On the multilayered ceramic coating, a multilayed top layer is applied. Aplasma burner (10) is used as the coating burner. The method for coating a componentwith a multilayer ceramic coating, comprises applying individual layers of the ceramiccoating covering one another on the component and supplying the ceramic particles to acoating burner in which the particles are melted partly or completely and then depositedon the component. The ceramic particles with a particle size, which increases from layerto layer, are supplied to the coating burner. On the multilayered ceramic coating, amultilayed top layer is applied. The ceramic particles for the top layer have largerparticle size than the ceramic particles supplied to the coating burner. A plasma burner(10) is used as the coating burner, whose power is adjusted through a variation of theampacity, hydrogen gas flow and/or the argon gas rate during applying individual layersof the ceramic coating continuously on the component. The thickness of the individuallayers of the ceramic coating is 20-50 mu m. The overall thickness of the ceramic coatingis 250-650 mu m. The ceramic particles are introduced with a grain size of 75 mu m+10 mum or -53 mu m + 11 mu m or -90 mu m + 11 mu m to the coating burner for the firstlayer, with a grain size of -106 mu m + 11 mu m or -125 mu m + 45 mu m or -150 mu m +75 mu m to the coating burner for the last layer and with a constant grain size of -75 mum + 10 mu m or -53 mu m + 11 mu m or -90 mu m + 11 mu m to the coating burner forthe formation of lower layer. The thickness of the individual layer of the lower layer is 20-50 mu m. The overall thickness of the lower layer is 150-450 mu m. Independent claimsare included for: (1) a multilayer ceramic coating; and (2) a component of a gas turbine.


地址:Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 München DE


