

2021-04-30 来源:乌哈旅游
第lO卷第2期 2015年4月 中国舰船研究 V01.10 No.2 ADr.2O15 C:hinese Journal of Shi!a Research 网络出版地址:http://wWW.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1755.TJ.20150330.1515.015.html 期刊网址:WWW.ship—research.corn 引用格式:郭呖,王向华,胡骏.共形FDTD网格剖分方法及其在舰船电磁环境效应仿真中的应用[J].中国舰船研究, 2015.10(2):29—34. GUO Yang,WANG Xianghua,HU Jun.A new conformal FDTD meshing technique for solving complex electromagnetic problems and relevant application for electromagnetic effect simulation on ship platforms[J].Chinese Journal of Ship Research。2015.10(2):29—34. 共形FDTD网格剖分方法及其 在舰船电磁环境效应仿真中的应用 郭呖,王向华,胡骏 浙江大学光及电磁波研究中心,浙江杭州310058 摘要:对于时域有限差分(FDTD)数值仿真方法,网格生成是其重要前处理过程。大部分商业模型都使用三 角形面片描述其结构,而FDTD必须使用六面体网格,因此必须使用合适的剖分算法将模型结构对齐到FDTD 的计算区域。而目前基于原点探测的传统网格生成算法存在效率和精度等若干问题。基于射线追踪原理,通 过检测网格射线族和三角形面片模型间的交点位置,求解模型结构和FDTD元胞之间的位置关系,从而可高效、 精确生成FDTD仿真算法必须的网格信息,并通过进一步应用多方向射线追踪方法,解决特殊模型结构可能导 致部分模型的剖分信息不完整的问题。最后,通过将该剖分方法应用于带有战斗机的航母飞行甲板模型,并结 合高阶共形FDTD方法,成功预测其在高功率电磁脉冲下的表面电流分布问题。 关键词:FDTD;网格剖分;射线追踪;共形技术;电磁环境 中图分类号:U665.26 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3969 ̄.issn.1673—3185.2015.02.006 A new conformal FDTD meshing technique for solving complex electromagnetic problems and relevant application for electromagnetic effect simulation on ship platforms GUO yn ,WANGXianghua,HUJun Center for Optical and E1ectromagnetic Research,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 3 10058,China Abstract:Mesh generation is an important pre—process for the finite difference time domain(FDTD)simu- lation algorithm.Most commercial softwares use triangle pieces to describe model geometry,while the FDTD algorithm must use rectangular cells to achieve the same end;thus,a meshing process is required in order to snip the original model into its FDTD computational region.The traditional origin—searching based meshing technique is low in both efifciency and accuracy.In this article,we detect the interception point between the model and the FDTD grid ray clusters based on the ray tracing technique,which generates the mesh information with high accuracy and efifciency.Furthermore,the multiple direction ray tracing technique is used in order to correctly capture the mesh for some special models.Finally,we apply the proposed method,combined with high-order conformal FDTD simulation algorithm,on an ship platform with aircrafts, whose surface current distribution under a high power EMP incident wave iS successfully simulated. Key words:finite difference time domain(FDTD);meshing;ray tracing;conformal technique;complex electromagnetic environment 收稿日期:2014—1O一21 网络出版时间:2015—3—30 15:15:42 基金项目:国家级重大基础研究项目 作者简介:郭呖(通信作者),男,1987年生,博士生。研究方向:电磁场数值计算。E-mail:guoyang@coer—zju.org 王向华,男,1982年生,博士生,讲师。研究方向:电磁场数值计算。E—mail:wa“gxia“ghua@coer_zju.org 胡骏,男,1979年生,博士,副教授。研究方向:电磁场和微波技术。E—mail:hujun@zju.edu.ca 34 search(PIER),2007,75:253—269. 中国舰船研究 18(3):149,151. 第l0卷  a1.Transient [3] XIONG R B,CHEN J J,HAN Y Y,etresistance analysis of large grounding systems using 19 J WANG J,YIN W Y.Development of a novel FDTD (2,4)一compatible conformal scheme for electromag— the FDTD method[J J.Progress in Electromagnetics netic computations of complex curved PEC objects[J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Research(PIER),2012,132:159—175. 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