

  为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO24口语Task6听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。  托福TPO24口语Task6听力文本:

  Listen to part of a lecture in a literature class.

  (female professor) Authors of fiction, um, short stories and novels, of course have many decisions to make when they're writing their works. One of those decisions is how they are going to narrate or tell the story. What perspective or what point of view the story would be told from? So, authors need to choose a type of narrator, some person or voice to tell the story. And this narrator can affect the readers' experience when they read the story.Now, the author might choose to have an objective narrator. An objective narrator can describe what people, the characters in the story, what they do and what they say, but that's about all. So, suppose we have a story, for example, that is about a man and woman about to take a trip. When the story is told by an objective narrator, the only information that we get as readers is what the characters say to each other, what they do. They get on the train, they sit down, they look out the window, that’s all. And this leaves questions that force the reader to interpret the events, to fill in information and decide what the characters’ conversation and actions might mean. Another kind of narrator an author might use is an omniscient narrator. In this case, the narrator, the voice that is telling the story, knows everything, and I mean everything about the characters. So, let’s imagine our same man and woman traveling but described by an omniscient narrator. Not only do we, the readers, know what they do and say, but we also know what they’re thinking. For example, we’re told that the couple is going to visit an old friend of the man ’s and we learn what the man is thinking that he is nervous because he hasn’t seen his friend in a long time, that he is worried if his wife would like the friend. So an omniscient narrator provides more information and answers questions that the reader might have about the characters or the action.  托福TPO24口语Task6题目:

  Using the examples from the lecture, discuss two types of narrators that an author of fiction might use.


  There're two types of narrator/perspectives of storytelling. The first one is objective narrator, by which the writer only shows what the characters say and what they do, and leaves the rest to the readers to imagine and fill in the information. For example, there's story in which a man and a woman are about to take a trip, and we only know that they get on the train and look out the window, but we have no idea what they're thinking. Objective narrator doesn't provide the information. But by

omniscient narrator, the readers can know everything about the characters, including what they're thinking and why they do the things they do. Back to the train story, by omniscient narrator, we probably will not only know that they're on a trip, but also know that they go on the trip to visit one of the man's old friends, and the man is worrying about what to say to his friend since they haven't seen each other for a while and whether his wife would like his friend. (185 words)

