【期刊名称】《医学研究生学报》 【年(卷),期】2017(030)001
【摘 要】目的:目前我国仅存在少量照护者对早产儿连续护理认知水平测评问卷,且未经过严格的信效度检测,文中旨在研制适合我国国情的照护者对0~1岁早产儿连续护理认知水平测评量表,并进行信效度检验。方法采用方便抽样法选取2016年4月至8月在北京市陆军总医院附属八一儿童医院新生儿重症监护室出院早产儿的家庭主要照护者495例为研究对象。构建初始量表,通过2轮德尔菲专家函询初步拟定问卷内容,形成预试验量表,对量表项目区分度、信效度进行评价。结果一共发放495份,获取419份有效问卷,问卷有效回收率为84.65%。各条目决断值为9.355~23.179(P<0.05),表明各条目具有良好的区分度。量表各条目与总分相关系数为0.500~0.775(P<0.05),表明各条目与量表的同质性较高。经探索性因子分析,共删除5个条目,剩余77个条目,最终形成了包含4个一级维度、15个二级维度、77个三级条目的照护者对早产儿连续护理认知水平测评量表。该量表的总体Cronbach′sɑ系数为0.985,各维度Cronbach′s ɑ系数为0.848~0.939;总体折半信度为0.895,各维度折半信度为0.814~0.939;内容效度指数为0.963;各维度累积贡献率为64.645%~83.236%。结论该量表内容科学、全面,可以用来评估家庭主要照护者对0~1岁早产儿连续护理认知水平,指导家庭主要照护者为早产儿提供连续护理,并评估连续护理实施效果。%Objective At present , there is only a
small amount of survey scale of caregivers′cognitive level on continuous nursing care for premature infants , which had not been subject to stringent testing of reliability and validity .This paper aims at developing a suitable survey scale of caregivers′cognitive level oncontinuous nursing care for 0-1 year premature infants , and testing its reliability and validity. Methods Convenience sampling method was used and totally 495 caregivers of premature infants of Army General Hospi-tal affiliated BaYi Children hospital from April to August 2016 has been investigated .After we had preliminary content of the question-naire, two-round Delphi consultations were used to identify the draft of the scale , and the
reliability and validity were tested . Results Totally 419 valid questionnaires from 495.Questionnaires effective recovery was 84.65%.Critical ratio for each entry was 9.355-23.179 ( P<0.05) , which suggested that entries had good distinction .Coeffi-cient of correlation between scale items and total score was 0.500-0.775(P<0.05), whichindicated highly homogeneity between entries and table.By exploratory factor analysis , 5 entries were removed and 77 entries remained .The final scale of caregivers′cognitive level on continuous nursing care for premature infants included 4 indicators in level one , 15 indicators in level two and 77 indicators in level three .The Cronbach′s alpha was 0.985 for overall questionnaire and 0.848-0.939 for each dimension .The split-half reliability was 0.895 for overall questionnaire and 0.814-0.939 for each dimension .The content validity index was 0.963.The cumulative contribution rate of each dimension was 64.645%-83.236%. Conclusion The scale content was
scientific and comprehensive .It can be used to investigate the caregivers′cognitive level on continuous nursing care for 0-1 year pre-mature infants, direct nurses to provide continuous care for premature infants , and evaluate the continuous nursing effect . 【总页数】5页(P95-99)
【作 者】姚婉晴;陈海花;张岚;王自珍;李磊
【作者单位】100700 北京,安徽医科大学陆军总医院临床学院;100700 北京,安徽医科大学陆军总医院临床学院;100700 北京,陆军总医院护理部;100700 北京,陆军总医院附属八一儿童医院早产NICU;100700 北京,陆军总医院附属八一儿童医院早产NICU 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】R473.72 【相关文献】
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