专利名称:Structured material and producing method
发明人:Hirokatsu Miyata,Shinichi Nakamura,Akira
Kuriyama,Miki Ogawa,Yasuhiro Kawashima
摘要:A structured material characterized in having, on a substrate, a layer havingtubular pores positioned uniaxially parallel to the interface of the substrate and the layer
and supporting a conductive polymer material having a function of a surfactant therein. Amethod for producing the above structure material characterized by the steps ofproviding a substrate having the anisotropy on a surface, applying a solution containing asurfactant having a functional group for polymerization in the molecular structure, asolvent therefor, and a solute different from the surfactant to the substrate, and a stepof standing for a predetermined time for causing the surfactant to assemble in apredetermined direction based on the anisotropy of the substrate.
申请人:Hirokatsu Miyata,Shinichi Nakamura,Akira Kuriyama,Miki Ogawa,YasuhiroKawashima
地址:Hadano JP,Isehara JP,Atsugi JP,Tokyo JP,Sagamihara JP
代理机构:Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto