Unit 1-2:
1. attitude (n.) – a settled way of thinking or feeling about something Example: His attitude towards school has improved since he started getting good grades.
2. behavior (n.) – the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially in relation to others
Example: Her behavior at the party was completely unacceptable.
3. communication (n.) – the imparting or exchanging of information or news Example: Effective communication is essential for a healthy relationship.
4. composition (n.) – the way in which a whole or mixture is made up Example: The composition of this particular painting is quite unique.
5. concentration (n.) – the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort
Example: She needs to improve her concentration in order to perform better in exams.
6. confidence (n.) – the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something
Example: He lacks confidence in his own abilities.
7. cooperation (n.) – the process of working together to achieve a common goal
Example: The success of any team depends on the level of cooperation among its members.
8. creativity (n.) – the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new
Example: The artist's creativity is evident in her unique sculptures.
9. curiosity (n.) – a strong desire to know or learn something
Example: Children often exhibit a natural curiosity about the world around
10. definition (n.) – a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary
Example: The definition of this particular word has evolved over time.
Unit 3-4:
1. determination (n.) – a firm decision to do or achieve something
Example: With her determination, she was able to overcome many obstacles.
2. development (n.) – the process of growing or progressing
Example: The development of technology has significantly impacted our daily lives.
3. education (n.) – the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values
Example: A good education is crucial for a successful future.
4. embarrassment (n.) – the state of feeling self-conscious or ashamed Example: He blushed with embarrassment when he realized his mistake.
5. environment (n.) – the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
Example: It is important to protect the environment for future generations.
6. equipment (n.) – the necessary items or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
Example: The firefighters have the necessary equipment to battle the blaze.
7. evidence (n.) – the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
Example: The evidence presented in court proved the defendant's guilt.
8. experience (n.) – practical contact with and observation of facts or events
Example: Their travel experiences gave them a broader perspective on life.
9. explanation (n.) – a statement or account that makes something clear or understandable
Example: She provided a detailed explanation of the scientific concept.
10. failure (n.) – lack of success in doing or achieving something Example: Despite her initial failure, she never gave up and eventually succeeded.
Unit 5-6:
1. familiarity (n.) – close acquaintance or knowledge of something
Example: His familiarity with the subject matter made him a reliable source.
2. flexibility (n.) – the ability to adapt or be adaptable
Example: Flexibility is essential in today's ever-changing business environment.
3. generation (n.) – all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively
Example: The older generation often struggles to understand the younger generation's values.
4. gratitude (n.) – the quality of being thankful or appreciative
Example: She expressed her gratitude to her parents for their unwavering support.
5. growth (n.) – the process of increasing in physical size or developing in some way
Example: The rapid growth of the company led to its success.
6. hospitality (n.) – friendly and generous treatment of guests or strangers Example: The hospitality industry plays a vital role in promoting tourism.
7. identity (n.) – the fact of being who or what a person or thing is Example: A strong sense of identity is important for one's self-esteem.
8. importance (n.) – the state or quality of being of great significance or value
Example: He emphasized the importance of regular exercise for good health.
9. influence (n.) – the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something
Example: His parents had a significant influence on his career choice.
10. inspiration (n.) – the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially creative
Example: The beautiful painting served as inspiration for her own artwork.
Unit 7-8:
1. intelligence (n.) – the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills Example: Her high intelligence allowed her to excel in academics.
2. introduction (n.) – the action of introducing someone or something Example: The professor began the lecture with a brief introduction of the topic.
3. knowledge (n.) – information, facts, or skills acquired through experience, education, or training
Example: He has extensive knowledge in the field of biology.
4. language (n.) – a system of communication used by a particular country or community
Example: English is widely spoken as a second language around the world.
5. leisure (n.) – free time when one is not working or occupied Example: He enjoys reading in his leisure time.
6. loneliness (n.) – the state of feeling lonely or isolated Example: The elderly often experience feelings of loneliness.
7. memory (n.) – the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information
Example: Her memory of the event was hazy.
8. misunderstanding (n.) – a failure to understand someone or something correctly
Example: Their argument stemmed from a simple misunderstanding.
9. motivation (n.) – the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a certain way
Example: Money can be a strong motivating factor in many people's lives.
10. necessity (n.) – the fact of being required or indispensable Example: Food, water, and shelter are basic necessities for survival.
Unit 1-2:
1. ambition (n.) – a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work
Example: She had always had an ambition to become a successful writer.
2. ancestor (n.) – a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended
Example: They researched their family tree and discovered their ancestors came from Ireland.
3. background (n.) – the conditions or circumstances in which something exists or occurs
Example: Her cultural background influenced her perspectives on life.
4. benefit (n.) – an advantage or profit gained from something
Example: Regular exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.
5. challenge (n.) – a task or situation that tests someone's abilities Example: Climbing Mount Everest is a great challenge.
6. concept (n.) – an abstract idea; a general notion
Example: The concept of democracy is based on the principles of equality and freedom.
7. courage (n.) – the ability to do something that frightens one
Example: She showed great courage by standing up for what she believed in.
8. curiosity (n.) – a strong desire to know or learn something
Example: The child's curiosity led him to explore every corner of the house.
9. deception (n.) – the action of deceiving someone; the act of misleading or tricking someone
Example: His deception was revealed when the truth came out.
10. disadvantage (n.) – an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness
Example: Not being able to speak English fluently is a disadvantage in many job interviews.
Unit 3-4:
1. entertainment (n.) – something that provides amusement or enjoyment Example: Music and dancing are popular forms of entertainment.
2. equality (n.) – the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities
Example: They believe in gender equality and fight for women's rights.
3. expectation (n.) – a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future
Example: His parents had high expectations of him and expected him to succeed academically.
4. exploration (n.) – the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it
Example: The astronauts embarked on a mission of space exploration.
5. freedom (n.) – the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants Example: Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right.
6. happiness (n.) – the state of being happy or contented with one's life Example: The pursuit of happiness is a common goal for many people.
7. harmony (n.) – the state of being in agreement or concord Example: The beautiful music filled the room with harmony.
8. honesty (n.) – the quality of being truthful and sincere
Example: Honesty is an important value that promotes trust in relationships.
9. independence (n.) – the state or quality of being independent; freedom from outside control or support
Example: Moving away from home allowed her to experience independence for the first time.
10. justice (n.) – just behavior or treatment; the quality of being fair and reasonable
Example: The court system aims to ensure justice is served.
Unit 5-6:
1. knowledge (n.) – information, facts, or skills acquired through experience, education, or training
Example: She has extensive knowledge in the field of history.
2. leisure (n.) – free time when one is not working or occupied Example: During his leisure time, he enjoys playing video games.
3. loneliness (n.) – the state of feeling lonely or isolated Example: The elderly often experience feelings of loneliness.
4. memory (n.) – the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information
Example: Her memory of the event was vivid.
5. misunderstanding (n.) – a failure to understand someone or something correctly
Example: Their argument was based on a simple misunderstanding.
6. motivation (n.) – the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a certain way
Example: Passion and determination are strong motivators for success.
7. necessity (n.) – the fact of being required or indispensable
Example: Food, water, and shelter are basic necessities for survival.
8. opportunity (n.) – a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something
Example: He seized the opportunity to travel when he had a break from work.
9. patience (n.) – the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious Example: Teaching requires a lot of patience.
10. responsibility (n.) – the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone
Example: With great power comes great responsibility.