专利名称:Method and device for equalizing a plurality
of radio-television channels
发明人:Beghetto, Roberto,Xillo, Daniele申请号:EP12171441.4申请日:20120611公开号:EP2536027B1公开日:20150520
摘要:A device (1) and a method are described for equalizing a plurality of radio-television channels (2), wherein the device comprises subdivision means (8) for subdividingsaid plurality of radio-television channels (2) into channel groups, each channel groupcomprising one or more of said channels of said plurality of radio-television channels (2),so that each channel belongs to a single channel group, and wherein said subdivisionmeans (8) comprise a plurality of filtering and amplifying means (7) for filtering onlythose channels of said plurality of radio-television channels (2) which belong to arespective channel group and for amplifying them all in the same manner, said filteringand amplifying means (7) being controlled by a controller (12) in a manner such that thechannels (17) outputted by said filtering and amplifying means (7) have substantially thesame signal level.
代理机构:Camolese, Marco