专利名称:WiFi-fingerprint based indoor localization
发明人:Yu Gu,Inseok Hwang,Su Liu,Yaoguang Wei申请号:US15264793申请日:20160914公开号:US09635516B1公开日:20170425
摘要:Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to making a localization map fora network. A fixed location for a plurality of wireless devices is received and a bisectingline is determined in a plane for each straight line that joins a pair of the plurality of
wireless devices. An initial wireless device access sequence is assigned to each of aplurality of regions created on the localization map by the bisecting lines based on theEuclidean distance of the wireless device to the each of the plurality of regions, whereinthe wireless device access sequence is the sequence of the wireless devices that providethe strongest to weakest signal to the region. Receiving from a user computing device areceived signal strength (RSS) value for each signal received by the user computing devicefrom each of the plurality of wireless devices and updating the localization map based onRSS values.
申请人:International Business Machines Corporation
地址:Armonk NY US
代理人:Samuel A. Waldbaum