专利名称:Copying copy protectd optical discs发明人:William Henry Christopher Doyle申请号:US10559985申请日:20040611
摘要:To copy a copy protected DVD (), and thereby subvert the copy prot-ectiontechnique, a DVD drive () is controlled by a disc copying program () to access data at alevel other than that at the user data level. For example, if it is the data frame () which isread, the DVD drive () is controlled to write a data frame () to a copy disc (). During the
copying process, the program () may be arranged to remove sector IDs and errordetection codes from the read data frames () and to generate new sector IDs andappropriate ID error detection codes for the data frames () to be written to the copy disc(). This circumvents any copy protection which has been incorporated in the identificationdata in a data frame of the original disc ().
申请人:William Henry Christopher Doyle
地址:Berkshire GB