专利名称:Method and device for influencing the
longitudinal velocity of a motor vehicle
发明人:Manfred Hellmann,Bernhard Lucas,Thilo
Leineweber,Albrecht Irion,CarstenSchroeder
摘要:A method and device for influencing the longitudinal velocity of a motor vehicle,
in which a setpoint minimum distance and/or a setpoint maximum velocity is presettableby the driver, the driver being able to influence the vehicle velocity via the acceleratorpedal and/or brake pedal, and in which the distance from a vehicle traveling ahead ismeasured by a distance-measuring sensor and, if the setpoint minimum distance isundershot and/or the setpoint maximum velocity is exceeded by the vehicle velocity, thevehicle velocity is limited so that the setpoint minimum distance is not undershot and/orthe setpoint maximum velocity is not exceeded. This function is provided, in particular, inconnection with an adaptive distance and cruise control system, the driver being able toactivate either the adaptive distance and cruise control system or the limiting function.
申请人:Manfred Hellmann,Bernhard Lucas,Thilo Leineweber,Albrecht Irion,CarstenSchroeder
地址:Hardthof DE,Besigheim DE,Stuttgart DE,Stuttgart DE,Renningen DE
代理机构:Kenyon & Kenyon LLP