MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M54523P/FP 7-UNIT 500mA DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR-ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = –20 ~ +75°C)SymbolVOOutput voltageCollector current(Current per 1 cir-cuit when 7 circuitsare coming on si-multaneously)“H” input voltage“L” input voltageDuty CycleP : no more than 8%FP : no more than 8%Duty CycleP : no more than 30%FP : no more than 25%IC≤400mAIC≤200mAParameterLimitsmin0003.853.40typ——————max50400mA20025250.6VVUnitVICVIHVILELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = –20 ~ +75°C)SymbolV (BR) CEOVCE(sat)IIVFIRhFEParameterCollector-emitter breakdown voltageCollector-emitter saturation voltageInput currentClamping diode forward volltageClamping diode reverse currentDC amplification factorICEO = 100µAVI = 3.85V, IC = 400mAVI = 3.4V, IC = 200mAVI = 3.85VVI = 25VIF = 400mAVR = 50VVCE = 4V, IC = 350mA, Ta = 25°CTest conditionsLimitsmin50——————1000typ*——2500max——UnitVVmAVµA—* : The typical values are those measured under ambient temperature (Ta) of 25°C. There is no guarantee that these values are obtained un-der any conditions.SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25°C)SymboltontoffParameterTurn-on timeTurn-off timeCL = 15pF (note 1)Test conditionsLimitsmin——typ10120max——UnitnsnsNOTE 1 TEST CIRCUITINPUTVoTIMING DIAGRAMINPUT50%50%Measured deviceOPENPGRLOUTPUTOUTPUT50%50%50ΩCLtontoff(1)Pulse generator (PG) characteristics : PRR=1kHz, tw = 10µs, tr = 6ns, tf = 6ns, Zo = 50Ω VP = 3.85VP-P(2)Input-output conditions : RL = 25Ω, Vo = 10V(3)Electrostatic capacity CL includes floating capacitanceat connections and input capacitance at probes Jan.2000 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M54523P/FP 7-UNIT 500mA DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR-ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSThermal Derating Factor Characteristics2.0Power dissipation Pd (W)500400300200Output Saturation VoltageCollector Current Characteristics1.5M54523P1.0M54523FPCollector current Ic (mA)VI = 3.85V0.51000Ta = 75°CTa = 25°CTa = –20°C0025507510000. temperature Ta (°C)Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics(M54523P)1Output saturation voltage VCE(sat) (V)Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics(M54523P)500500Collector current Ic (mA)Collector current Ic (mA)4002400130033002200•The collector current valuesrepresent the current per circuit.•Repeated frequencyy ≥ 10Hz•The value the circle represents thevalue of the simultaneously-operated circuit. •Ta = 25°C4567200•The collector current valuesrepresent the current per circuit.•Repeated frequency ≥ 10Hz•The value the circle represents thevalue of the simultaneously-operated circuit. •Ta = 75°C1000100034567020406080100020406080100Duty cycle (%)Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics(M54523FP)Duty cycle (%)Duty Cycle-Collector Characteristics(M54523FP)5005001Collector current Ic (mA)3002Collector current Ic (mA)4004003002001200•The collector current valuesrepresent the current per circuit.•Repeated frequency ≥ 10Hz•The value the circle represents thevalue of the simultaneously-operated circuit.•Ta = 25°C 10003456724•The collector current valuesrepresent the current per circuit.5•Repeated frequency ≥ 10Hz76•The value the circle represents thevalue of the simultaneously-operated circuit. •Ta = 75°C31000020406080100020406080100Duty cycle (%)Duty cycle (%)Jan.2000 元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR M54523P/FP 7-UNIT 500mA DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR-ARRAY WITH CLAMP DIODE Input Characteristics16104DC Amplification FactorCollector Current Characteristics753Input Current II (mA)12Ta = 75°CTa = 25°CTa = –20°CDC amplification factor hFEVCE = 4VTa = 75°CTa = 25°CTa = –20°C81037534008162432102110357102357103Input voltage VI (V)Grounded Emitter Transfer Characteristics500500Collector current IcC (mA)Clamping Diode CharacteristicsForward bias current IF (mA)Collector current Ic (mA)400VCE = 4VTa = 75°CTa = 25°CTa = –20°C4003002001000Ta = 75°CTa = 25°CTa = –20°C300200100001234500. voltage VI (V)Forward bias voltage VF (V)Jan.2000 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容