专利名称:DUAL BLADE IMPLEMENT SYSTEM发明人:Biagio Ciarla申请号:US15377807申请日:20161213
摘要:An implement system for a machine includes a primary blade and a secondaryblade coupled to the primary blade through a linkage mechanism such that the
secondary blade is trailing the primary blade. The implement system includes an actuatorwhich controls a movement of the secondary blade. The implement system includes at
least one position sensor which generates signals indicative of a position of the primaryblade and a position of the secondary blade. The implement system further includes acontroller which is in communication with the primary blade, the secondary blade and theposition sensor. The controller receives the signals indicative of the position of theprimary blade and the position of the secondary blade. The controller operates theactuator to control the movement of the secondary blade based on the position of theprimary blade and secondary blade.
申请人:Caterpillar Inc.
地址:Peoria IL US