专利名称:A device for the activation of perborate in
washing machines
发明人:Meloni, Stefano c/o Merloni Termosanitari
S.p.a.,Rossi, Carlo c/o Merloni TermosanitariS.p.a.
摘要:This invention relates to a device for the activation of perborate in washingmachines, said device comprising a cup (2, 8) for activating perborate which is fed by aperborate metering device (1) or may also lack such device, and is connected to thewashing tub (6) through a conduit (7) and is supplied with water through the conduit (9)
for the supply of water from the water main, or a conduit (18) arranged as a by-pass insaid conduit that supplies water from the water main, or through a conduit (19)connected to the bottom of the washing tub (6); said device also comprising an electricresistance (3) for heating water contained in said cup (2, 8) or at a point upstream saidcup, and means (4) that detect the temperature inside said cup (2, 8).
申请人:MERLONI TERMOSANITARI S.p.A.,ENEA-Comitato Nazionale per la Ricerca eper lo Sviluppo dell'Energia Nucleare e delle Energie Alternative
地址:Viale Aristide Merloni, 45 I-60044 Fabriano (Ancona) IT,Viale Regina Margherita125 I-00198 Roma IT
代理机构:de Simone, Domenico