专利名称:Motion Prediction Method
发明人:Xun Guo,Jicheng An,Yu-Wen Huang,Shaw-Min Lei
摘要:The invention provides a motion prediction method First, a coding unit (CU) of acurrent picture is processed, wherein the CU comprises at least a first prediction unit (PU)and a second PU. A second candidate set comprising a plurality of motion parameter
candidates for the second PU is then determined, wherein at least a motion parametercandidate in the second candidate set is derive from a motion parameter predictor for apreviously coded PU of the current picture, and the second candidate set is differentfrom a first candidate set comprising a plurality of motion parameter candidates for thefirst PU. A motion parameter candidate is then selected from the second candidate set asa motion parameter predictor for the second PU. Finally, predicted samples are thengenerated from the motion parameter predictor of the second PU partition.
申请人:Xun Guo,Jicheng An,Yu-Wen Huang,Shaw-Min Lei
地址:Beijing City CN,Beijing CA,Taipei TW,Taipei CN