如图:client 1 、client 2分别是radius主备服务器,做认证服务器冗余备份。LSW1为H3C S3610 三层交换机
# version 5.20, Release 5309 # sysname H3C # super password level 2 cipher 11X$V%+*7&'Q=^Q`MAF4<1!! //配置super 密码 super password level 3 cipher 11X$V%+*7&'Q=^Q`MAF4<1!! # domain default enable system # telnet server enable //开启telnet功能 # vlan 1 # radius scheme bluefox.com //创建bluefox.com radius服务器名称 primary authentication //配置主备radius服务器地址 primary accounting secondary authentication secondary accounting key authentication bluefox //配置radius服务器认证key user-name-format without-domain //默认是without-domain nas-ip # domain system authentication login radius-scheme bluefox.com local //优先调用名为bluefox.com radius服务器,然后local authorization login radius-scheme bluefox.com local access-limit disable state active idle-cut disable self-service-url disable # user-group system # local-user bluefox password cipher 11X$V%+*7&'Q=^Q`MAF4<1!! service-type ssh telnet terminal # interface NULL0 # interface Vlan-interface1 ip address # interface Ethernet1/0/1 port link-mode bridge # user-interface aux 0 authentication-mode password user privilege level 1 set authentication password cipher 11X$V%+*7&'Q=^Q`MAF4<1!! user-interface vty 0 4 authentication-mode scheme //认证模式AAA 还有password模式,要使用set password命令 user privilege level 1 //配置user等级1 RADIUS 认证服务器配置: 上图为radius服务器 图为radius服务器key配置 认证过程思想: 用户→查询用户属于哪个group→得知domain→根据domain要求→ local、none ↓ Radius、hwtacacs 如下: domain admin access-limit disable state active idle-cut disable self-service-url disable domain system authentication login radius-scheme bluefox.com local //使用radius服务器认证,然后再local认证 authorization login radius-scheme bluefox.com local 查询用户在哪个组使用dis local-user [H3C]display local-user The contents of local user admin: State: Active ServiceType: None Access-limit: Disable Current AccessNum: 0 User-group: admin Bind attributes: Authorization attributes: The contents of local user bluefox: State: Active ServiceType: ssh/telnet/terminal Access-limit: Disable Current AccessNum: 0 User-group: admin Bind attributes: Authorization attributes: The contents of local user ddd: State: Active ServiceType: None Access-limit: Disable Current AccessNum: 0 User-group: system Bind attributes: Authorization attributes: Total 3 local user(s) matched. 修改用户组: [H3C]local-user admin [H3C-luser-admin]group admin 将admin用户改到admin组(domain) 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容