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Group management in multiuser communications

2022-09-03 来源:乌哈旅游

专利名称:Group management in multiuser


发明人:Raja Banerjea,Hongyuan Zhang申请号:US14880931申请日:20151012公开号:US09655123B1公开日:20170516


摘要:A first communication device measures respective receive power levels ofsignals transmitted by second communication devices in a plurality of second

communication devices. The first communication device selects a group of two or more

second communication devices from the plurality of second communication devices forsimultaneous transmission of respective data to the first communication device, whereinthe group is selected i) so that respective measured receive power levels of the signalsfrom any two second communication devices in the group differ by no more than apredetermined amount, and ii) without instructing any second communication device inthe group to adjust a transmit signal power level. The first communication devicegenerates a communication frame that includes information indicative of the group, andtransmits the communication frame to prompt the group to simultaneously transmitrespective data to the first communication device.

申请人:Marvell International Ltd.

地址:Hamilton BM


